Embroidering small items

I have a small business where I sell doll clothes. I thought embroidery would be a good way to add value to my items and be able to offer personalization.

I have a singer futura ce200. Problem is that the small items I am embroidering don't fit on even the smallest hoop I have. The smallest hoop I have is 3"x5". I did some research on the web and the only smaller one I can find is 4"x4" which I don't think will make much difference. Does anyone know of any suggestions for embroidering small items? Most of the dresses and shirts I want to embroider are about 4" across and the challenge is that I can't stretch the back away enough so that I don't stitch through both layers!

Any suggestions would be appreciated since I'm new at this.


As a follow up then, does anyone know of any machines that work especially well with small items?


Welcome to the forums, ScottyStitches and san0003 :)

Yes I do know of a home machine that can embroider small items. Just give me a sec to look through my notes.

Okay I found my note. It's called the "Free-Arm C" by Janome. The embroidery area is 2x2. According to some websites, it's compatible with the Memory Craft model 300E, 10000, and 10001.

The only other option you have is taking the seam apart and stitching it up together after embroidery. But I guess you already know that and don't want to do it because it won't be practical in the long run--time is money after all.