By islandtees on
Jan. 15, 2011
We are new to embrodiery.We hired a new girl who is old school and likes floppy disks to store the file with a sewout.We are having problems with the disks corrupting or hard to format.We are trying to find a better way of cataloging the design with a sewout.Any ideas or tips would be great.Thanks
Re: Floppy disks
There are all kinds of cataloging software out there.
However, there is a fairly cheap (about $100) program called Buzz-tools, it can catalog your designs and create sew sheets. I use it ALL the time, its simple, quick, cheap, and easy ... all my favorite things ;)
Its more for home use, but I use it for commercial, we have 1,000's of files and it handles it just fine.
Re: Floppy disks
We use Wilcom workflow, its a great tool and has extensive search tools if you have a large database of designs.
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Re: Floppy disks
Try Stitch Era Universal.
It is free but requires an internet conection
It has what you requested.
Re: Floppy disks
as far as formatting the floppies, you'll want to do a 'quick format' by right clicking the disk in windows...thats been the easiest, most fool proof way for me. I usually get a couple disks a year that get corrupt somehow. In fact, i noticed the other day i was using a disk that had my name on it from high school--11 years later, still working like a champ. I cycle the same 50 disks. Actual "files" are kept on my PC in a folder, by name of job. Those files get backed up daily to server.
I use Melco to digitize, it allows me to print the data sheet with the sew sequence/colors/picture of the design, etc etc...i just print those out and keep them by the machine for deigns which i can't remember the sequence...i generally sew the same 100 designs over and over so i don't need anything extensive.