Baby Lock BMP8 Needle Bar seems loose

Hi, I just acquired a Baby Lock BMP8 (same as a Brother PR620) and had a question about the Needle Bar. It seems to have some play, about 1/8" left to right when stationary. Should it? I took the tension cover off and can see that it is the cam that has this play in the Change Mechanism.

When I go to needle position 1, the looseness is not as prevalent (in fact, almost no play at all). However, when I go to needle position 2-6, the needle bar can be moved if I push the head to the left or right. Seems like this shouldn't happen, but I have nothing to compare it to.

Is this normal? If you own a Brother or Baby Lock 6 needle embroidery machine, can you tell me if yours has this same condition? I don't see a way to tighten this. I'm also having problems with the auto threading as the hook will miss the eye because of this looseness (if I push the head to center the eye, the needle threader will work.

