3-d Puff Embroidery Digitizing

I Am In Desperate Need Of A Digitizer For Puff 3-d Embroidery. I Have Tried Several And None Of Them Can Seem To Get It Right. Anybody Got A Really Good One For Me To Try. I Am Not Looking For Digitizers To Come On Here And Give Me Their Info And Tell Me How Good They Are. I Need Embroidery Companies That Have Found Proven Digitizers.

shellyky's picture

What are the issues you are having with the foam files? A lot of times problems can be solved by running a heat gun over the final sewout on LOW pretty quickly...it cleans up the design somewhat--just a helpful tip.

Are you could be tackling a design that just will not work with puff or certain parts can be puff. Explain what is not right or whats happen and Shell is right about using the heat gun just be carefull not to get it to hot

No unless the hair dry gets pretty hot then I think they overload and stop...heat gun is the best thing, you can get one for under 10 bucks, Harbor Freight carries them