Melco EMC6 problem help needed

I have an EMC6M (circa 1994 with the white melco head).
It was working fine the last couple days & then stopped moving the pantograph while stitching.
When using the keyboard the pantograph moves fine.
Logic voltage tests OK at 5.03v
Power supply main voltage OK at 23.9v
Tested the Z encoder & it does give a green light once per revolution.
Tested the XY piggy board by swapping it in a working machine (Its OK)
Keyboard functions (swapped with another machine)
Cannot swap any other parts out to test since my other machine is an older Tajima head model.

This model has the 000493 CPU controller PCB board.

1: When you set home, it will not rack all the way to the upper left corner
2: When you load a design, the head will move to the correct color and start stitching, but the pantograph will not move (or will only move a few steps), and then it will sew at runaway speed.
3: When put in test mode you can load a design and press start...and then absolutely Nothing happens.

It seems the technical manual suggests that the Z motor controller board is bad. Does anyone with some technical experience have any suggestions? I would hate to spend money and find out the problem is something else. Is there a way to know for sure if its the Z motor controller as opposed to the PCB board?

Any help is appreciated...



Try a "Hard reset" first before you do anything else.

hold down the following keys (on the keypad) and then start the machine;

alt, arrow up, and arrow down.

this will reset the embroidery machine to base mode like it came from melco.

you will then be asked to select the type of machine (emc 6, emc 6/4 etc) using the up down keys, and the machine number as well (machine numbers are from 1 to 62).
you can check which number of the machine you currently have set by looking in your embroidery software the number you were using should be there.

the runaway machine you describe could be from too much static.

hope this helps.

Gary in Missouri

Have already tried a hard reset...several times.
I was hoping that someone else out there had experienced a similar problem and could let me know what they had to do.
Anybody know any good techs in the Cleveland OH area that are familiar with these older machines? Most people I've talked to say their techs are not interested in working on anything but more current models.

AJST's picture

Hello Gary, I have a customer in Florida that is having a similar problem with a Tajima 12 head. The control panel moves the pantograph fine, will not work in the Y axis while stitching.
The suspect board is the Y axis board on his. If the board ends up being fine the main control board may be the culprit. I wont be able to tell until next week when I look at his machine.
If you want, I will let you know how it turns out.

AJ’s Stitchin’ Time
Dennis Wilson
Embroidery Machine Technician

Gary, the only way to know for sure if it is the Z motor or the PCB board is to try them both.. would be ideal if you had two similar machines to test parts. If the hard reset has done nothing for you, the problem is still there... then order the Z motor of the two first. Or... If you have a technician close, call him/her in to diagnose before ordering the part.

Check to make sure that the motor and the boards connected to the Pantograph Arm are all still firmly connected.

In my experience, when you start to have problems with the Pantograph Arm... it is usually a main part to fix and in your case might just be the motor.

We are available to take your calls 7 days a week... so if you would like, give us a call and we can see how we can help over the phone.

Have a Great Weekend.

Meka C. Stewart
Just Jack's Inc
Machine Repair & Training
Custom Embroidery & Screen Printing
Cell: 479-685-8996