Looking for an embroidery machine

Hi there,

I want to buy a machine to make embroideries on bathrobes.

I live in Miami and I want a machine with 6-12 needles. I am confused with brands, which one would you recommend?


AJST's picture

melissa001, There are a lot of good post on this site if you want to browse some of the older post.

I have a Toyota, and have been very happy with the machine and the service. Bill Graham is right. Service is more important than the price.

AJ’s Stitchin’ Time
Dennis Wilson
Embroidery Machine Technician
ajstitch.com Dennis@ajstitch.com

I've got a Toyota 9100 and am very satisfied.

Check the service techs available in your area first, then do research on those mahcines. And, do reference checks on the service techs as well, as that's really important down the road.

Good luck!

Robert Young's picture

NONE, I strongly recommend you outsource your embroidery until you are sure you have enough orders to make owning your own machine a no brainer... AND that you actually are good at the other parts that go along with it.. customer service, sales, billing, marketing. etc. To me for a startup embroidery machines are like exercise equipment... how many buy them with the best of intentions only to have them take up room in a corner somewhere, AFTER having taken a bite out of your bank account of course. You need the experience and contacts to outsource anyway unless you plan on turning away any large orders that come your way

Modern Embroidery Designer

I agree with Robert. The learning curve on embroidery is pretty steep with errors costing you replacement garments. Then add to it something hard to embroider like a bathrobe and you probably won't be happy with the results. If you are doing a lot of robes you'll be able to get a great deal at a large shop. I wouldn't check with the small one machine places (like me), but one that has 50+ heads. They'll probably be around $2.50-$3 and probably much less than that. Compare that to even a new 6 needle Brother home machine at $6500 and you'll see that it's just not worth it unless you've got the business lined up.