By Gabriel on
Oct. 30, 2011
I have a SWF single head 15 needle bridge type embroidery machine and keeps breaking needles right after trimming.
I removed the needle plate and noticed that the moving knife was right on the way of the needle (not completely returned). Im not sure why the machine did not show me an error message like my 4 head SWF, normally when trimmer is not returned all the way I supposed to get an error message.
I have gone thru all procedures to adjust trimmer, run it manually and trims just right. Then I run another design and breaks again. Removed the needle plate and knife is back in the middle of its way.
Any ideas of what the problem might be?
Re: Help, Breaking Needles!!
maybe your one head machine don t has sensor for moving knife.
when the machine trim the thread look under table to see the moving knife.
look if during the trimming process ,when the frame move,the moving knife move back.
is possible to don t trim totally the thread and when frame move or upper thread hook catch the thread to move the moving knife.
i had this problem once .
i solved increasing the friction between fixed and moving knife.
but also could be another reason.
check parts from moving knife to cam or trimming motor,to don t have play or losing screw.
Re: Help, Breaking Needles!!
Check the movable parts of the cutting system for obstructions, like thread trimmings or debris. If this does not fix your problem you probalbly have a defective Thread Trimming Solenioid.
SWF has a video on replacing the Solenoid.
Dennis Wilson
Embroidery Machine Technician
Re: Help, Breaking Needles!!
what are trying to sew out?