I am used to the Brother machines. Someone gave me a Singer Futura ce100.
Here are my problems....
I am working on material that is only 3 and 1/2 wide. So when I have the design on the computer , I have no idea where its going to start on the machine. I can move the design but its a hit and miss thing... There has to be a way that I know where the design will be on the machine. On the brother, you can look at the LCD and use arrow keys and poof, its moved.
also, one more thing.. If I am putting wording going down long wise... and the word is really long and needs to be rehooped... how will I know where to connect it?
On the brothers, the last place it stopped is the starting point for the next hooping.
Its like you have to be a rocket scientist to run this thing.... I will glady trade someone for a brother .. UGH>>>>>