Greetings All,
I need some help from the experts on this. First, I am new to this board and I appreciate any help that anyone can offer. I recently acquired a 6c/8s Tuf Javelin, that I need to move. The current employees at the location all came AFTER the machine was moved into it's current location, so they don't know how to break it down. This is where I need help. I need to know the best way to systematically break the machine down, to make it fit thru a 7ft doorway. Do I just need to remove the print arms or is there more? How do I remove the print arms? If I need to remove anything else, how do I do so? I am completely new to this machine, so I am at a lost BUT I HAVE to move it, so I am reaching out, to see if I can get some help on the best way to do so. Thanks again, for any available help. Have a great day.
Re: Help with a Tuf Javelin
Thanks Jeff. I will give that a try.
Re: Help with a Tuf Javelin
I am not quite sure you could get that thru a 7ft door. I just measured mine and it is
7 ftish from print station to print station. Wait...duh you could get it in by walking it in by turning the stations as you go. But yeas you will have to remove a few print heads.
Re: Help with a Tuf Javelin
Yea, that is my plan. I am going to remove the print heads and then rotate the remaining stations. That should work. I am not sure of the best way to remove the print heads though. I see the 4 screws on top and that's all I see. I am sure there are air hoses that need to be disconnected as well. I attempted to contact Workhorse, as Jeff suggested but I am not getting anyone, just long holds. I am assuming they are closed today or something. I will give it another shot tomorrow.
Re: Help with a Tuf Javelin
There are four nuts (9/16" socket, put some heavy grease in the socket to hold the nut). Remove them and lift the print head straight up. The hoses have a little slack, I usually build a jig to set the head on while disconnecting the hoses. There are four or five hoses inside that have push to lock fittings. Disconnect the hoses buy pushing the collar and hose down then while holding collar down pull the tube free from the fitting. Mark each head (there maybe shims under some) and each hose. When you put the machine back together be sure you do not pinch a hose with the nuts. Have some one come in and finish the set up. Level heads, pallets, etc and check regerstration. Contact me if you need more info.
Owner/Operator of Middletownink
Re: Help with a Tuf Javelin
You can get it through 7 ft. I promise. it takes some work, but you can do it. You pretty much have to get an arm through and sort of turn it at the same time.
Varsity Ink
serving the Statesboro, Milledgeville, and Savannah, GA areas t-shirt and promotional items needs
"Passionate about Printing"