I am having problems with my Toyota 830. When I turn the machine on, the wheel will turn, the needle will move up and down a few times slowly and then I get a motor lock alarm. Sometimes, I can hit the stop button and it will be fine and ready to sew. Other times, the motor lock alarm will sound again and I have to shut the machine down and try again. I have purchased a motor from another 830 that is being parted out and tried it. At first it seemed to work fine, but then it started doing the same thing - just not every time I turn it on. I have switched the original motor and the newest back and forth. The newer motor definitely works best but it is unreliable and I am afraid that is on it's way to the same end.
I have spoken to 2 different techs and they have different opinions. One feels like it is quite obvious that it is the motor - he's seen it many times. The other says that he has never seen a motor failure and feels like it is probably something else. Both technicians have a tremendous amount of experience, so this makes it tough to know which direction to turn.
I am trying to locate another motor since this newest motor did come from an old 830 that is being parted out - it very well could be bad as well. I will be able to return it and get my money back. Does anyone know where I might be able to find another one to try?
Has anyone seen this problem before and have any suggestions as to what it might be. If I felt like it was something that could be repaired, I would have a tech come look at it, but I'm afraid it will just come down to discontinued parts.
Re: Toyota 830 motor
The motors on these machines rarely go out. They do, but it is rare. If you changed motors and you are getting the exact same symptoms I would suspect the power board or main board. I dont know of any way to test the boards other than to replace them or have them repaired.
Other things you might try:
1. Re-seat your connections. Unplug and replug all the wire connectors on the boards.
2. Re-set or re-intialize the machine to its default settings.
Dennis Wilson
Embroidery Machine Technician
ajstitch.com Dennis@ajstitch.com
Re: Toyota 830 motor
Thanks Dennis for the suggestions. Would I be able to swap out a main board from an older machine as well if we determined that was the problem? I'm assuming these parts are also obsolete as is the motor.
Re: Toyota 830 motor
I am not sure about the board swap. I wouldn't thnk that it would hurt especially if it is coming off of a parts machine. Check and see if it gives you a software version on the board.
The boards are pretty much obsolete. If you cant find one on a parts machine there are places that can repair the board. It will probably cost more than the machine is worth.
Thats too bad because the machine is a great running machine.
I'm not an expert on this machine, but I have worked on several (mostley the mechanical parts).
Dennis Wilson
Embroidery Machine Technician
ajstitch.com Dennis@ajstitch.com