Mini MHM

Has anyone actually seen the new MHM PRINT / flash / PRINT machines, and what do you think?
My first thought was a pimped out Lawson Mini Trooper on steroids. I wondered why a top end company would make effectively a one colour auto....... but there is a lot of that type of work goes through every factory. Sure it doesn't tie up a big press, but to me the footprint does not seem significantly smaller. If space was an issue then for a similar space you may fit in a six colour which offers far more flexibility.
So the next thought of mine was cost? Is it an effectively cheap machine to bang out one colour with base jobs since you are not paying six Colours and a couple of flashes. Well if a diamondback is only ballpark 25k then what value could you put on a machine with so limited colour options. Is it half the price of a diamondback. Is it quick?
How much obviously answers some questions, but then maybe opens up others. For some shops no doubt this would be an awesome asset, in others it would be too limiting. Does it have any other or special functions. options such as larger format? Could it step-back?
It seems an odd fit for MHM as a manufacturer. Don't get me wrong, I am not knocking this model. I love MHM. Just trying to get opinion, feedback from any who have seen it and know function or pricing and options.

I've not seen the machine you speak of in-person, but it sounds like it 's set-up as a sample press. I'm sure it incorporates their registration system and allows you to print as many colors as you like for samples. Just guessing...