
There was a time when Maag & Schenk, then Schenk was quite a notable supplier of machines from Germany. I haven't seen a new model, but have been around some older machines, and they didn't seem that bad. I had a look on their website the other night, and they look interesting. I knew one shop traded up from TAS and Schenk to MHM and loved the difference, but they were running all old machines and now they are talking Schenk again, but they are European and there may be other reasons behind their decision.
It's a brand not mentioned that I have seen on these forums, by Winston or Robert or anyone. Did Robert miss this major manufacturer in his world trip, or will he be representing them next?
seriously, they are not a bad machine the ones I have seen, and they are all over the place so there must be a few in the states? My guess is German built cannot compete with Polish or American built on value, and MHM have secured the top end at the premium price.

Printwizard wrote:
There was a time when Maag & Schenk, then Schenk was quite a notable supplier of machines from Germany. I haven't seen a new model, but have been around some older machines, and they didn't seem that bad. I had a look on their website the other night, and they look interesting. I knew one shop traded up from TAS and Schenk to MHM and loved the difference, but they were running all old machines and now they are talking Schenk again, but they are European and there may be other reasons behind their decision.
It's a brand not mentioned that I have seen on these forums, by Winston or Robert or anyone. Did Robert miss this major manufacturer in his world trip, or will he be representing them next?
seriously, they are not a bad machine the ones I have seen, and they are all over the place so there must be a few in the states? My guess is German built cannot compete with Polish or American built on value, and MHM have secured the top end at the premium price.

Hello Printwizard!
You are right, Schenk builds a nice machine. There have been atempts to sell
in the USA market with poor results. European machine manufacturers have
a hard fit with the USA. Always have,and probably always will. Different mentalities,with different ways of printing. It took years, no decades for
European manufactures to adapt individual print/flood vs. Vee squeegee/flood. However Europeans adapted AC & Servo drive systems from
their graphic art screen print machines.Machines from the USA led the charge
with faster machines, but the Europeans caught up. So its back and forth!
Schenk has a strong flock market, and always has. The industry is getting
mushed around a bit. There are many smaller "botique" companies all over
the world and many more to come who build or will build good machines.Parts,
Service, etc will either make or break the companies. MHM in years past had
machines in pockets all over the world, and was ahead of the USA in really
poor, developing countries, but they offered only presses, their dryers sucked! M&R has done real well setting the new standard, with an increadably
broad equipment line, and really good support, which in my opinion is key!
As we have seen of late, supposedly low cost machines,with poor support,service, etc. Not a business model I look up to. Also, the US market
does not like metric very well. This has always been a problem, but getting
better. But I asure you M&R offers metric parts,specs,etc for certain markets.
Smart! And a REAL BIG Problem, The Dollar vs. The Euro on European machines. Rumors, hearsay said Schenk was doing something in China!
Or, was looking in that direction. Time will tell, however they do build really
good machines.
From up over, to down under!

Hi Winston.
Agreed with all of that. MnR and MHM have good footprints in China and India. I am not sure in a global economy that smaller companies have either the future in terms of limited output and duplicate R&D on their machines. Bigger companies can hold parts, offer better support, training, range, faster leadtimes and importantly reinvestment in technology which is expensive. In the future you would have to have something special to be small and viable I imagine. Lots of companies have and will go to China.
Few manage to keep top staff on the ground overseeing strict standards and replicating western production lines. A couple of Graphic presses have been made decently in Taiwan and China, but there is so much disappointment with machines at have potential but are just never finished right. Outside of China there are other countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand etc which do produce some good industrial machines, roll printers etc to a higher standard.
We are metric here and it's great to have MnR offering both models for different markets.
One other thing we do love here is side clamps. Have to say I am a really big fan of the 2M RPM / Mustang because of that feature. Great to see them on Richs Diamondbacks, but haven't seen them on other models.
Interesting is I see graphic press manufacturers selling light boxes for colour matching, but never see them around textile sector yet plenty of factories operate shifts with poor and artificial lighting. In the US GTI GraphicTechnology make the MiniMatcher and I think it's essential for every shop to own.
One thing I saw with Schenk I think was they had rigged up a sensor that you flicked your hand through after loading a shirt and the whole machine indexed then, so if you were loading something with a tight fit onto a pallet and the load time was variable it could run by just breaking the beam on your way to pick up the next item, and I thought that was cool.
IMO they should have merged with MHM as similar companies with a good fit. I'm not a fan of Italian machines, design or management practice. Sure a couple of good cars are made there, but Italy produces a lot of capital machinery across all industries and does not have the reputation of German or Austrian quality, but they may make it cheaper.
America is lucky to have the population to justify infrastructure, support and be able to make its own brand with scale and affordable technology. Nowhere better to be than have the leader in your own back yard, but like anything, you need competition to drive things forward and keep innovation and momentum up, so even though companies like Schenk may not be suitable for most, they are still part of the mix.
There are plenty of good companies out there. SRoque is another. Without copying machines or anything silly they need to understand what the good companies do well, working backwards. Look at who buys machines, what they want physically in value, price versus functions, and service, support, training, local agents, compatibility etc then change their business to supply what and how a printer wants. I feel the European MFGs are all into engineering and not customer support or service. I mean no other company has the owner following up the smallest of complaints virtually immediately for quickest resolution like Rich of MnR does. That is why he is deservingly the biggest, and he is awesome at it. Unbelievable even, how many other companies in any other industry would have the CEO at any time available to sort something out, even a trivial forum request. Screenprinting is lucky to have a passionate driver like that, but disappointing other companies don't lift their game. TAS, Printex, Anatol, SRoque, MHM, Schenk, RPM, and others, none of them come close, and if they did lift their game, I believe the direct result would be a lift in sales. Of course that is them handling ethically, professionally and looking how Rich does it rather than Roberts approach....

I think the screen printing industry is in the "mature cycle" of a industry's life.
I think any domination of the world market, will be come harder and harder, because the
screen print industry is a "low technology" industry for the most. Which means, you will
have small micro manufacturing companies, that will and are already springing up all over
the world. Ink making, equipment manufacturing, etc. is and has been gearing up as we
speak. Their interest is "regional" not global, (look at Brazil) because of technology
transfer, quick to market, low cost labor, availabity of raw materials,service, and the most important, the lack of lawyers. These compainies will rise in my opinion. The larger
companies will have mergers,buyouts,acquistions,alliances in order to keep the so called
ball rolling and to let those who can "cash out". IMHO! As far as Asian machines? Check
out "ASKEME" from Taiwan. I have seen one. Pretty cool!


Printwizard,I can't spell worth a schitt!
The company im Tiawan is"ASKME"
Check them out.
I agree with you on the Italians,although I do
like the Reggiani belt printers. It is tough for the
Italians to do anything,because of the unions.
Check out Tek Ind, I like their sock printet for
neck labels.SIAS use to make great equipment
before Umberto Brasa died. He made a fortune,
however his company showed otherwise. I repeat
HE made a fortune! CMS makes some good machines
but I think thier hooked with China.

Seen the Askme presses in Ningbo, China. Massive, more like a train than an auto, and solid looking too. Sias were good, but Thieme is the leader and if you couldn't afford a
Thieme I would buy ATMA Champ from Taiwan, own one, great machine. Italian machines tend to be over engineered, over built and over complicated with a multitude of components. If you ever see OMSO machines the mechanics in them are mind blowing. The other side of Italian machines are just cheap and nasty. Broken welds, cheap motors, and bad metals.
I like MnR belt printer, but you need to be in a big market for more specialist machines. I think that's the future. I really like the YouTube clip of the SRoque printing umbrellas. What some don't realize is that textile is only a small part of screenprinting. There are lots of industrial machines, roll printers, bottle printers, reel, fabric, overglossers, graphics. Same principles and some crossover principals and technologies. There are screen machines you can alter the rego looking at a tv screen and on the keyboard adjust by .2mm micros electronically from behind interlocked safety doors. Cameras that read colour and print quality, so you save it in, and if your screen were to run low on ink and miss a bit or have something stick to the underneath of the screen it will work like a prox sensor and stop your press. Function like that the technology is there and affordable so it's only a matter of time before your top end machines get more features coming across.

Thieme machines are incredible! Atma, the best bang for
the buck, for a great product! Period. OMSO, I never
used one, but have watched them run,incredible. But,
I am sill a fan of the old Heidelbergs. The mechanisms
and engineering blow my mind.SIAS,not even a player
compared to these guys. The Italians, great designers,
artist, but I agree,thats where it stops. The future as
you see it,is probably spot on. I guess I have just hit
my head and banged my knucles, to many times.

I run three machines, 2 Omso and one offset Polytype printing screw caps for the wine industry, they run average 30,000 an hour with three printers and one fitter turner engineer on every shift. €4,000,000 worth of machines. The thing you learn very fast is you are only as good as your machine, and that is only as good as the engineer. There is a huge range of ability of engineers, just like printers!!! They are scary machines, with inline degreaser, coating unit, drier, print unit and after drier, about 8 meters high, five meters wide, and about 36 metres long.

Own an ATMA over a Sias any day.

I see why You are called the Printwizard!
There has to be"extra" benefits for printing for the wine industry,yeh?

screenmachines's picture

Oh :)

"Keep the the ink moving and you make money..."

Lux Inks's picture

Printwizard, do you print umbrellas? If so, I have a customer that wants some done.

924 Calle Negocio
Suite D
San Clemente Calif. 92673
(949) 200.2923

screen printing,t-shirt printing,custom shirt printing,contact screen printing,custom apparel printing,private label,water base,discharge,flock,puff,foil,burnout,garment finishing,fast turnaround,cheap t-shirt printing,great pricing,sublimation printing

Our customer service is outstanding and our quality is superb!

Hi Lux Inks. I'd do your job, but I am in Auckland, New Zealand.
Winston, we don't get much in terms of freebies. I'm at the supermarket like everyone else.
NZ does produce some damn fine Pinot Gris, Sauvignon Blanc, and Pinot Noir though.

I am in talks with a company setting up a joint venture. Funnily enough their Schenk got killed in one of the ten thousand plus Canterbury / Christchurch earthquakes when their building collapsed and insurance just bought them a nice new sportsman!

I believe representation and distribution channels including support, parts supply, maintenance and education all play roles, and thinking about why some of these companies never make it has a lot to do with how they set up those channels.