By Robert Young on
Jun. 21, 2012
Here are some pictures of the machine move
Modern Embroidery Designer
Here are some pictures of the machine move
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
I found this today. How about this for moving machines up stairs:
Watch the video if you get a chance, pretty cool.
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
That's impressive.
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
Wow!! Great work. How many stitches are in that and how long did it take to stitch it out?
Dennis Wilson
Embroidery Machine Technician
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
nearly 2.2 million... yes, that is 2,200,000 stitches.... great for a machine that only holds 2 million in its memory.... and even better when you consider that a floppy only holds about 200k. Thankfully we used a USB memory stick so we did not have to split it down quite that far!
56 hours of machine time at an average speed of 650 per minute... this includes setup times for the initial fabric being sashed, threading, all bobbin changes... loading of each of the design elements, etc.. so total time of 56 hours. And every 12 hours or so we would have to unsash and pull back the fabric to oil those areas on the arm..... then resash and line up the embroidery.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
so what do you do for that big a hoop?
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
Oh...I could have so used that machine last week when I had to rehoop ultrasuede fabric for a 40" x 8" name to be made into a cornice board.
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
ha, thanks.. let me have a BBQ first so I can get all the people to help me wrestle the machine into place and reattach the front table.. I figure a few cases of beer and the studio should be put together..... of course the next morning I may have thought this out better. lol
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
Wow, that is pretty cool! I could use that to carry in the groceries! lol
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
It has one 1000mm by 1000mm sash. nearly 40 inches square. The sash stays on the machine so you clamp on all four sides.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
Ha! that looks like true southern ingenuity at it's best! All you're missing is duct tape & WD-40. No might have used those!!
Y'all are good for a laugh!
Thanks for sharing.
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
You really should post a video of that running on youtube.
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
here is a pic of the first thing we embroidered using the machine... see the dollar in the lower right side for a sense of scale.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
Got you beat there.
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
Wait till you move a couple 12 heads:D
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
how funny Brandt! mine is a 4 head converted to a single head with a 40 inch by 40 inch frame. but I did not show you the pics of where the machine was placed... in a garage next to my house... through the trees and manhandled into position as the truck could only go so far down the drive because of huge branches. Ah, thank goodness for neighbors!
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
Okay, the first person that asks me about applique horse show stall curtains, I'm coming to you and your machine with the big table!
Check out what I'm talking about:
Lots of money to be made in these things!!
Sydney Fedesna
Two Socks Designs
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
Sounds rough. We are happy we are now in a much larger space now and we added 2 more 4 heads in addition to our 2 and 1 head we had when we used to be in a basement.
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
I've watched the guys here move our 15 heads around or try and get them on a truck to take to another plant. It's not a fun experience. Ever try to get a 15 head around a corner and through a door? They don't tend to bend very well.
Embroidery and Sublimation Supplies
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
ha, isnt that what chainsaws and emb machine tech were built for? let them sort out the mess.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
I'm intrigued. How does it work?
Re: Pics of embroidery machine being moved
it was a bridge model 4 head.. so remove 3 of the heads and add a nearly 8 ft by 8 ft table... and two stepper motors.. and voila... a singlehead that can sew 1000mm by 1000mm or so.
Modern Embroidery Designer