Presser foot on Tajima

Just purchased a used TEHX C1501 for sampling, as I was tuning and timing it up I noticed the needle touches the fabric before the presser foot does. I can't get any more downward adjustment on the foot, its off a good 1/8" or more. Any thoughts.

Somebody probably hit a hoop and bent the presser foot, it's a common issue for a inexperienced operator.

You can bend it back into correct position/shape using pliers and a pair of needle nose.

Presser feet are inexpensive, normally under $10., common part sold by most parts dealers. If not sure who to contact, Goggle: Axiom America or Sew Many Parts, Texmac, etc. if they don't have it, they will refer you to a source. (Not affiliated in any way, just have had excellent Customer Service with all mentioned over the years).

Thanks but that is not the problem. PF is not bent. Any other ideas would be appreciated. I am starting to think there is something wrong with the lower recipricator, but I don't believe that position can be set.