By Mike T on
Oct. 11, 2013
I have 65 same item job with different names (same origin). I am currently 1. choosing file(A2) 2. scaling x,y coordinates to 75% (b3) 3. rotating field to 270 degrees (B3 again). 4. Pressing start.
Is there a way to auto go to next file(name) while saving all the other imputs (2 and 3) and just press start.
Any help would be appreciated
Thank you
Re: Tajima TEHX 1501c auto repeat ?
hi, not sure about your machine having that ability but any digitizing software should be able to make these changes and stack one design on top of another on top of another, etc. with a stop command between each one. So it would end up being just 1 file that ran all 65 of your items. hope this helps?
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Tajima TEHX 1501c auto repeat ?
Thank you... again!
Mike T