Any Mustang Owners out there?

I'd like to hear what current Mustang owners or customer who have one ordered have to say about the press?
Someone who owns one want to chime in???

United States

Chad Sherman
Pro Ink Screen Printing
(877) 551-0852

Screen Printer wrote:
I would...but it is not always practical.

Many in the industry have already developed bad habits.

Sounds like you are giving up on finding someone before you look. Through a good and thorough interview process you might just find the right person.

srimonogramming's picture

Printwizard wrote:
Yeh the girls have a better attention to detail, but the sulking and rag week anger and time off with kids we have gone off for printers, but nothing like a sharp tongued woman at the back of the drier to pick up leaks, finger marks etc. get an ugly one so the boys keep it in their pants and mind on the job, send the good looking ones out to do sales.

My first and only experience with hiring a woman did not go well. She was not any more detail oriented than the guys I've hired for the same position. I'm not saying those stereotypes aren't right, that's why I hired her was from other industry vets praising how good the women are in the production settings, I likely got a bad one. I might try to hire another woman, depends on the temp agency I go through.

Collective Clothing wrote:
INKMAN, are you doing the Skype video call with Printex?

If Andrew shows any sincerity to this I will do it. As of yet I have not recieved an email or anything from them so to be honest I think this is all BS on your part. Let me see him actually acknowledge an attempt to fix my press first.

Screen Printer wrote:
I would...but it is not always practical.

Many in the industry have already developed bad habits.

Sorry mate, you've lost me....

What bad habits and how would you know bad and good habits if you are both just learning. Then it's just the blind leading the blind?

Good staff and depth of knowledge let's you manage the customer to better outcomes with less risk or waste and you can manage your customers better and they will pay for your knowledge and rely on your historic experience and wisdoms

M&R won the print off folks not Barnes. It is amazing how easily the man lies, trust me any future prospect of a customer should understand he will lie like a rug and that most definetely includes to his customers.

srimonogramming wrote:
My first and only experience with hiring a woman did not go well. She was not any more detail oriented than the guys I've hired for the same position. I'm not saying those stereotypes aren't right, that's why I hired her was from other industry vets praising how good the women are in the production settings, I likely got a bad one. I might try to hire another woman, depends on the temp agency I go through.

Many years in production shops. Women are better at repetative functions like loading or feeding machines, much faster than men, and they can even talk to each other while doing it. The men always seem to want to make adjustments on the equipment that may or may not help the image quality, and it harms the end product for no reason. We called them "knob turners". Not to be sexist, but women are better in a production setting.

inkman996 wrote:
M&R won the print off folks not Barnes. It is amazing how easily the man lies, trust me any future prospect of a customer should understand he will lie like a rug and that most definetely includes to his customers.

I remember when I was little, there was this kid who just made up one lie after another, almost nothing that came out of his mouth was true. So I asked my mom why he lied so much. She explained to me that he believed his lies and that if he said it, then he really thought it was true so he just made up lies about everything and lived in a little fantasy world. True story. When I read certain posts on here it gives me deja vu. Certainly entertaining to say the least.

Tadeo wrote:
I remember when I was little, there was this kid who just made up one lie after another, almost nothing that came out of his mouth was true. So I asked my mom why he lied so much. She explained to me that he believed his lies and that if he said it, then he really thought it was true so he just made up lies about everything and lived in a little fantasy world. True story. When I read certain posts on here it gives me deja vu. Certainly entertaining to say the least.

Great story. And you are dead on with your thought process.

There is an actual disorder for people like that, maybe not disorder but definitely a mental illness. He certainly suffers several mental issues and it amazes me for his weight age and stress level he has not dropped yet, I know way better men than him that have gone that way.mhis obsession will kill him some day, he has young children nothing should be more important to him than trying to stay healthy and be there for them. Sad thing is if he put his obsession away starting with printex he probably could have had some success and been happy with a decent income for himself and his kids future.

inkman996 wrote:
Great story. And you are dead on with your thought process.

There is an actual disorder for people like that, maybe not disorder but definitely a mental illness. He certainly suffers several mental issues and it amazes me for his weight age and stress level he has not dropped yet, I know way better men than him that have gone that way.mhis obsession will kill him some day, he has young children nothing should be more important to him than trying to stay healthy and be there for them. Sad thing is if he put his obsession away starting with printex he probably could have had some success and been happy with a decent income for himself and his kids future.

He may have got hit up side the head at Kent state football one too many his own team mates

inkman996 wrote:
I thought I read Sandusky frequented kent state hmmmm I wonder.

Now that would answer alot

Just for the record, Don Newman came to Barnes and said there is an entire table full of defective prints that came off the Sportsman, true story, Barnes said let Hoffman win he paid the bill LOL

I only know of one and he was very active on this forum till he actually got the press, since then not a peep. I don't know if he is so busy he can't post any more or there is something different going on hmm.

inkman996 wrote:
I thought I read Sandusky frequented kent state hmmmm I wonder.

Sometimes you guys cross the line so bad I wonder if you can still see it. I do not know how making light of this could ever be considered humorous or clever.

srimonogramming's picture

I can go by and check on one of the mustang owners, I need to talk to him about something anyway. I hired a guy that worked for him for a few months and he said there was no issues with the press other than the leaky screen locks, but those are fixed I think.

inkman996 wrote:
If Andrew shows any sincerity to this I will do it. As of yet I have not recieved an email or anything from them so to be honest I think this is all BS on your part. Let me see him actually acknowledge an attempt to fix my press first.

Should Barnes contact you directly or should he speak with the owner of the company first?

srimonogramming's picture

Unfortunately, at the time of that video, Mitch hadn't really had the press very long and those words were about why he bought the press, not why he likes it. We need something recent, now that he actually knows about the press and not what he had been told by a salesperson. Not trying to sling mud, just stating facts and trying to get more info with proper context.

srimonogramming wrote:
Unfortunately, at the time of that video, Mitch hadn't really had the press very long and those words were about why he bought the press, not why he likes it. We need something recent, now that he actually knows about the press and not what he had been told by a salesperson. Not trying to sling mud, just stating facts and trying to get more info with proper context.

Bring your camera when you go LOL

CustomizedPrintables wrote:
Sometimes you guys cross the line so bad I wonder if you can still see it. I do not know how making light of this could ever be considered humorous or clever.

True story, Barnes went to the Penn State summer football camp as a child, ash grey t-shirt bold navy plastisol with block letters, probably printed through a 110 mesh LOL

Screen Printer's picture

jmd wrote:
I just asked how many prints he had on the machine, trying to see what context Ted's statement is in.

JMD...The way I look at it....I never screen printed in my life.

I am getting good results....but to be fair....I am doing mostly solids.

My first job was a 5 color...I did not have everything setup at the time.

I got Alan to print the job for me.

Then they ordered a 2nd batch.

I printed the 2nd batch.

So...I had something to judge my work off of.

It came out very fact....I got several more jobs from the same client.

So...In doesn't matter how many impressions you have...what matters is if my clients like my work.

You ranking me doesn't matter a bit as long as my clients are dropping the green.

Screen Printer wrote:
JMD...The way I look at it....I never screen printed in my life.

I am getting good results....but to be fair....I am doing mostly solids.

My first job was a 5 color...I did not have everything setup at the time.

I got Alan to print the job for me.

Then they ordered a 2nd batch.

I printed the 2nd batch.

So...I had something to judge my work off of.

It came out very fact....I got several more jobs from the same client.

So...In doesn't matter how many impressions you have...what matters is if my clients like my work.

You ranking me doesn't matter a bit as long as my clients are dropping the green.

Hey Ted, it's nice you stick up for liking your machine. The fact you are happy and your customers are happy is all that counts, and of course you are making money. There are knockers out there, plenty of them and I guessed you had been off the boards either as been too busy or couldn't be bothered with the negativity. Anyway, nice to hear how you've been getting on. Even if your ink stinks!!!

GraphicDisorder's picture

jmd wrote:

mitch davis - mustang printers: Going digital - acclaim screen printing - youtube

how much did mitch davis get paid to do all those ads lol

did robert get mitch his lease approval or did that happen magically as well lmao

if people really knew what goes on behind the scenes in the machine business wow


Graphic Disorder

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Why are these thread allowed to stay here and bash M&R? Clearly the Mustang/2M blue crew has peopled being payed or special discounts to post garbage about M&R. Let folow the money and see how far this rabbit hole goes.

I think what goes on behind the scenes to plot against M&R is down right HATE.

Screen Printer's picture

cnasherman wrote:
I'd like to hear what current Mustang owners or customer who have one ordered have to say about the press?
Someone who owns one want to chime in???

I have not been posting much, just checking in each day on items for sale.

My Learning experience

Not fast enough because of my busy schedule.

Workflow was not good at all...I was going in circles.
Cleanup was taking way too long.

I spent a couple of days at Alan’s.

I picked up a lot of workflow ideas which is helping to speed up everything.

I got a dip tank....
a vat to clean squeegies
I made a darkroom.

I created designated areas for different setups..such as:

A table to tape screens
A table to coat screens
A table for cleanout gun

I setup tables to fold items.

All designated areas...instead of back tracking where I left the roll of tape..hehehehehe

As far as printing....It is going pretty good....But...I am doing mostly basic stuff.
Printing mostly solids for now.

Remember..I never printed before.

I did do a 5 color..which came out nice.
Mostly 1 and 2 colors

My largest job so far was 600 pieces ..1 color front and back.

I just hired a guy that I am hopefully he can run it soon.

He is doing pretty good...but now and then..he forgets and prints a

I am not really sure what type of work I want yet.

At the moment, I am juggling 5 different businesses.

It is hard for me to get used to having to price out a job before.

In my photography business....they would want me or not.

This was the price take it or leave it.

In this seems like many people are used to getting cheaper prices.

I am actually setting up a store front now.

I have a school uniform shop now....

I will also start offering many items to wear to sporting events.

I think in the long run...I may be offering :

An inexpensive 1 color shirt to wear to get them in the store
I will offer some higher end stuff too.

Maybe mixing screen printing with rhinestones
Maybe appliques for embroidery.

I can sell items for local high schools and universities.

I may also do some

What I don't like about screen printing.


You just have to be very careful.

As far as my mustang....That is one fine machine.

For my embroidery I bought a 6 head and a single head barudan.

For screen printing I bought the Mustang.

I believe buying new...these machines run in tip top shape....helping me not having to fight equipment. want to know if I had any problems with my Mustang?
I have a couple of air leaks now and then on the screen lock downs.
I need to make time and change my o-rings.
If I have the problem..I usually flip the switch a time or two and it stops.

They did send my spare parts kit. LOL

When I was doing a job of 600 shirts...I did have a problem.

The machine locked up a few times.

I had to restart. Then i was only locking up when I used the foot petal.

I decided to remove the foot petal to see if that was the problem.

As soon as I touched it...the wire fell out from the machine.

It just got loose....I slipped it back in and tightened the lock nut and it worked flawless ever since.

I love my equipment...not sure i love the business as a know....the INK.

As soon I am caught up with my school uniform business..I will take a few pics of my setup.


Thanks Ted, how many prints on the machine. And I am curious, why do you have to fix the leaks, won't they send a tech out to take care of it?

Prosperi-Tees wrote:
Are tech charges customarily included during the warranty period of new autos? Or is it just a parts warranty?

Old July 23rd, 2012, 02:14 PM #25 (permalink)
Renagade Renagade is offline

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Default Re: Mustang to offer PayPal for convenience & security
Originally Posted by Inkwerksspd View Post
Your exactly right. He does not have the balls to even try it. Every manufacturer that is confident in their product should offer this.

We do on the products that we decorate and embroider.

Mustang has a better program than M&R - 1 year 1 million print

Then its prorated from there, how's that for balls (blue or otherwise)

Ask 244 to put that in writing for you!


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I guess the argument from Mustang would be your warranty starts from the sale date, and of course by the time you get it the warranty is almost up.

244 wrote:
Old July 23rd, 2012, 02:14 PM #25 (permalink)
Renagade Renagade is offline

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Default Re: Mustang to offer PayPal for convenience & security
Originally Posted by Inkwerksspd View Post
Your exactly right. He does not have the balls to even try it. Every manufacturer that is confident in their product should offer this.

We do on the products that we decorate and embroider.

Mustang has a better program than M&R - 1 year 1 million print

Then its prorated from there, how's that for balls (blue or otherwise)

Ask 244 to put that in writing for you!


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hell I couldn't even get phone support after the sale, I mean after the STEAL they took me for!

Prosperi-Tees's picture

Ok I just read a warranty. Labor is not included. What does that mean? All tech charges (travel,hotel,meals etc..) are the customers responsibility? Correct?

Prosperi-Tees wrote:
You lost me here Rich.

Barney claimed earlier that Mustang will have a one year/one million print warranty.

Screen Printer wrote:
JMD...The way I look at it....I never screen printed in my life.

I am getting good results....but to be fair....I am doing mostly solids.

My first job was a 5 color...I did not have everything setup at the time.

I got Alan to print the job for me.

Then they ordered a 2nd batch.

I printed the 2nd batch.

So...I had something to judge my work off of.

It came out very fact....I got several more jobs from the same client.

So...In doesn't matter how many impressions you have...what matters is if my clients like my work.

You ranking me doesn't matter a bit as long as my clients are dropping the green.

Ted, chill out, I only asked how many prints were on the machine, it really is a common question in this industry ( you will understand that after you have actually been in the industry for a while). You are correct solid is childs play, but everyone starts somewhere. I do thing its a little funny that you are going to train someone and you could use years of experience before you are proficent at it. It might make sense to hire someone that has experience, just a thought.

CustomizedPrintables wrote:
Sometimes you guys cross the line so bad I wonder if you can still see it. I do not know how making light of this could ever be considered humorous or clever.

That's interesting you say that, your saleman Robert had some disgusting posts when the nuc tragedy happened a year or so ago.

Collective Clothing wrote:
Should Barnes contact you directly or should he speak with the owner of the company first?

What part did you not understand?

Very simple Robert have Andrew contact me if your idea is serious and he is on board. I will not take anything you say at face value in fact it will even be hard to trust any thing Andrew says since you and him already burned me once.

As you already know you deal with me when it comes to the press, Dan is a very busy person and does not want to deal with things that I am paid to do for him.

The internet is full of experts, there is another Mustang being installed in Ted's neck of the woods and any little issues will be addressed then, keep going HATERS

Btw, Ted has a lifetime warranty on his press as long as he has it, that's right forever, every piece, even labor, Ted took a chance with Mustang LOL
