Service Rankings By Manufacturer

Prosperi-Tees's picture

I think we all know who is #1. I wish there were rankings like J.D. Power does for cars.

So the list is:


United States

Fix it LOL

Prosperi-Tees wrote:
I think we all know who is #1. I wish there were rankings like J.D. Power does for cars.

So the list is:

2) Printex
3) Printex
4) Printex
5) Printex
6) Printex
7) Printex
8) Printex
9) Printex

srimonogramming's picture

M&R then all the rest. I have not needed much service with RPM so I can say what little I needed I got right away, on a Friday afternoon after 5PM.

I've needed service on our old American Texair that I got from several different sources over the years, from AWT/American to M&R for that dryer. The help I got from AWT was great. They took my call, got some info from me so they could pull up the schematics and then called me back within 15 minutes of me calling them.

I could piece together a decent list from info that has been shared to me by others in the industry, some first hand accounts and some second hand. I wouldn't feel comfortable having that list out there for all to see because some of it is based on second hand and heresay information. The things that have been told to me about a manufacturer directly from their customers I feel solid enough to report to the masses but I won't. I've seen enough about several manufacturers directly from their customers to know what kind of service they give and there are some bad ones out there.

srimonogramming wrote:
M&R then all the rest. I have not needed much service with RPM so I can say what little I needed I got right away, on a Friday afternoon after 5PM.

I've needed service on our old American Texair that I got from several different sources over the years, from AWT/American to M&R for that dryer. The help I got from AWT was great. They took my call, got some info from me so they could pull up the schematics and then called me back within 15 minutes of me calling them.

I could piece together a decent list from info that has been shared to me by others in the industry, some first hand accounts and some second hand. I wouldn't feel comfortable having that list out there for all to see because some of it is based on second hand and heresay information. The things that have been told to me about a manufacturer directly from their customers I feel solid enough to report to the masses but I won't. I've seen enough about several manufacturers directly from their customers to know what kind of service they give and there are some bad ones out there.

Alan, what is your opinion of Anatol? Where would rank them?

Tadeo wrote:
In the mean time Alan, we appreciate your opinion of M&R. Thank you!

Thad, Barnes remembers you from the printoff, he said you were one of the normal humans, not one of Hoffman's mindless minions, have you been assimilated and are now of the Blue Borg LOL


Noticed you evaded a post earlier, please reply to it, as an employee of M&R it would be interesting to read your perspective


Tadeo wrote:
Wow, our customers had to wait on hold a few minutes. How long have Inkman and the rest been on hold???? At M&R we take care of our customers!!!! You get what you pay for. M&R customers can call M&R in the middle of the night for service. Some people's customers don't receive their presses, don't receive presses that print to spec, and can't get service help - unless it's via "Skype" ROFL. You'd do better with less time attacking M&R and more time helping previous customers with machine problems. But, your agenda is obvious to us all.

That's an interesting story, M&R will turn a handful of clients against the other guy, but that is just barnstorming, the bigger question for your employees would be how will they have a job in 18 months if M&R can't figure out how to improve its technology?

Tell us, how will M&R compete with technology like

Digital Off-Contact

Digital Pressure

Digital Squeegee Angle

Digital Stroke Speed

Fastest Screen Removal

How will M&R compete with the Mustang?

Maybe you can convince some people to buy a car with crankdown Windows, but that's a tough sell, especially once someone knows there are better options!

Yeah, yeah, copy/paste, copy/paste. What else you got Barney??? I know M&R has 24/7 support, 365 days a year. :) You get what you pay for!

Oh, and thanks for the personal attack by the way, that was cute. So if you can call me a mindless minion then I guess it's appropriate to call you a scam artist and a liar. Fair enough. Just remember you attacked me first. Nice one.

Tadeo wrote:
Yeah, yeah, copy/paste, copy/paste. What else you got Barney??? I know M&R has 24/7 support, 365 days a year. :) You get what you pay for!

Oh, and thanks for the personal attack by the way, that was cute. So if you can call me a mindless minion then I guess it's appropriate to call you a scam artist and a liar. Fair enough. Just remember you attacked me first. Nice one.

Thad, please read again,

Thad, Barnes remembers you from the printoff, he said you were one of the normal humans, not one of Hoffman's mindless minions, have you been assimilated and are now of the Blue Borg LOL

Thad, we are you called any names

This has the potential to become a quality grudge fest, where else can you see two competitors beat up on each other this much??

Keep up the good works boys :D