By suelorio on
Oct. 07, 2007
i purchased a pr600 a year and a half ago and started having trouble with white bobbin thread coming through when i use fonts or outlining. i thought it was the machine and when i purchased a second pr600 it is doing the same thing. i have checked and checked tension, as i assume it is a tension problem. but the tension is great on everything but fonts and outlines. anyone else having the same trouble?
Re: pr600 question
Hi, I have a pr600 but haven't had that problem so would be interested if you find out the reason/cure. I did have bobbin thread showing through on one design on black material with black fill so I used a black bobbin thread! Apart from that, fonts & outline are fine. Hope you find out what's happening. min
Re: pr600 question
You can find lots of help with the PR600 and the BMP 6's on this yahoo group
Judy in Mississippi
Re: pr600 question
I had problems with white bobbin thread showing through as well. Sometimes changing the tension on the bobbin holder fixes the problem. I did end up having to replace the bobbin holders, and it works fine now.
Suzanne DiBrino
Re: pr600 question
Had the same problem Had me in tears over wasted time fabric and thread. Here is how i solved it. Had to go through the process more than once. Copied from the PR?EMP yahoo group.
Clean and blow out the bobbin area of your machine.
Check the bobbin tension using the bobbin tension weight that comes with
your machine.
The bobbin tension weight looks like a very thick metal washer that
should have been included with your machine.
Remove the bobbin case from your machine.
Tie the weight to the end of the bobbin thread.
Place the weight on a flat surface.
Position the hole where the thread comes out of the bobbin case so that
the hole is on the bottom.
Slowly lift up the bobbin case making sure not to stop the bobbin spool
from spinning with your fingers.
You should be able to lift the weight up off the table top without the
thread unspooling from the bobbin case.
If the thread unspools during this test then tighten the little screw on
the bobbin case just slightly.
Repeat that test and adjustment until you can lift the weight up by
lifting the bobbin case without thread unspooling.
Now the bobbin case adjustment is tight enough.
Next we will check to make sure the same adjustment is loose enough to
allow the bobbin thread to unspool off the bobbin case.
Place the weight on the level surface.
Lift up on the bobbin case quickly and the thread should unspool out of
the bobbin case.
If the thread does NOT unspool then slightly loosen the bobbin case
adjustment screw.
You will need to go back and forth between these 2 tests (and making
slight adjustments, if needed) until you get the adjustment so that both
tests pass.
With the bobbin tension set correctly you can now move on to the top
Start the tension adjustment with 3 lines showing on the side of the
adjustment knob for that thread position.
NOTE: This is just a starting point and you will most likely need to
adjust the upper tension.
To check the upper tension you will need to do a test stitch patttern.
Turn on your machine at the power switch and press OK on the view screen.
On the right side of the screen you will see the design folder of
designs that came included in your machine.
Press the Design folder with the butterfly, flower and horse on it.
We want to go to page 4 on the next screen so press the little left
pointing hand to go to page 4.
You will now see the test stitch design (It looks like 6 lines side by
side), press that icon.
Press Set.
Press End Edit.
Load a test piece of fabric similar to the fabric you were having
problems with and the same stabilizer you were having problems with onto
the same hoop size that you were having problems with.
Mount the hoop on your machine.
Press Sewing on the touch screen.
Press Close.
Press Lock.
Press the Start / Stop button.
Once the test stitching is done for all 6 needles then look at the
BOTTOM side of the design.
You should see the center 1/3 of the stitching will be the bobbin thread
The remaining 1/3 on each side of the stitching should be the top thread
Think of the adjustment like a tug-of-war between the top and bottom
thread tensions.
Now you can adjust the top thread tension to get the upper thread
tension correct.
If too mush top thread is showing then you need to adjust the top thread
tension tighter by turning the top thread adjustment knob (for that
needle position) by turning the knob clockwise.
If not enough top thread is showing then you need to adjust the top
thread tension looser by turning the top thread adjustment knob by
turning the knob counterclockwise.
I know this sounds like a lot to do, but once you do it a couple of
times it will be as easy as riding a bike.
You can ride a bike?
Re: pr600 question
My problem showed up with the change of a bobbin thread. I use pre-wound bobbins. Never had a problem. It was showing through on three different threads so I know the bobbin was the issue. While doing what was listed below, I also rad a piece of paper under the bobbin tension piece and removed two little dust bunnies. I check the tension again and it was fixed. Blowing it out did NOT work, but the paper trick did.
Re: pr600 question
The best thing I've done to solve my bobbin problems (not pr600) is to go with magna-glide bobbins. I was stubborn because I have like 3 gross of regular bobbins. The problem is that they aren't wound the same or consistent. So it would work great then start breaking and hanging up. My machine is now a completely different machine from before the magna-glides. Best $44 spent so far in the embroidery business. Not saying it'll fix your problems but you could give it a try. I know sells them in packs of 10 at least at their store front they do.
Re: pr600 question
All beginners get this problem and the participants advice are credible. However, the main trouble with PR600 is that it requires an external bobbin threader. If threading of the bobbin is not done well, you will definitely have trouble. The question to you is, How do you thread your bobbin? The challenge may be between the bobbin threading and fitting it in the case. Try not to over fill your bobbin and observe. Your machine may be still perfect but you may be lacking a few skills to perfection.
Re: pr600 question
If white bobbin thread is showing on top of your design....I would check the tension on your bobbin.
Remove the bobbin....grab the thread...the bobbin should hang without unwinding.....If you do a bobbing motion with your hand....the bobbin should drop about an inch......if it drops is too loose. This works for me