Caps breaking needles

Need Help!! I have been sewing out hats and nearly every run at least one of my heads is breaking a needle. Mostly just the second head, and not always during the same point in the stitch pattern. Have a Barudan Beavy 4 head machine. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

United States

Agreed 80/12 needles are typically the best on caps. Make sure they are sharp point, and not ball point.

Try backing down the speed a little too. On tougher caps with intricate designs, I've gone as low as 550 spm. Typically I sew most of my caps at about 600-700.

A few other points to consider. Was this design specifically digitized with caps in mind, as they need a center out sew sequence, but not only that. If the pull compensation was set with say fleece in mind, which is soft and puffy, then you sew it on a cap which is rather thick with very little stretch, you are more than likely sewing with way more density than you need, which can lead to needle breaks.

If you're already using the 80/12's .... then try picking up some titanium needles, they aren't much more than regular needles, they are stronger, and have a tendency to have less deflection while sewing.

I'm guessing that the 80/12 is a bigger needle than the 75/11, or is it the other way, smaller.
Good advice, I'll try that,,,,I have needle breaks often with hats as well.


80/12 is bigger. Good point two4hd ... I forgot about the collared needle plates. Try those, that typically solves A LOT of issues.

Will using the bigger needle cause any issues with sewing small letter fonts or designs on caps, such as stars or other small designs.

Great, thanks for all the tips. Will definitely look into getting different needles and those risers.