Purchasing a 2 Head - on tight budget

I am looking to put a 2 head machine in our office to do smaller orders and spec samples.
Currently we are using all Tajima heads and our quality is outstanding.

I don't have Tajima money right now and am looking at the following options:

SWF multi-head machine (2 heads simultaneous, or independent)
Meistergram 1502 pro - 2 heads simultaneous
Toyota 9100 setup (2 heads simultaneous, or independent)

I am looking for people that run these machines and can compare them to tajima/barudan.
I know that Toyota is probably the best stitch out of the bunch, but is it worth the extra
money? I don't want to sacrifice quality - is the SWF or Meistergram even worth considering?
90% of our business is corporate logo stuff.

Your advice is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.

I have been running a Meistergram 1502 for a year now and I love it. For flats it is great. I purchased a 12 head Barudan recently and a lack of room is the only reason that i will be selling the Meistergram. Don't let anyone tell you the Meistergram is a bad machine, if you know how to keep tensions right and have good digitizing the machine is as good as most. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any more questions. dgsp@windstream.net
