I have over 25 years experience in all aspects of the screenprinting field including 20+ years using Corel. I am proficient in vector, bitmap, and combination graphics. Process and faux process work is no problem. I am also an experienced designer. I am able to process halftones and provide you files in any format, including preset LPI and angles in PS format if need be. I'm in Bremerton, WA, though I work with companies everywhere through online communication and file transfer. Even companies with in house staff use my services for projects they cannot figure out how to clean up and separate for printing.
I am an experienced printer as well, essential to understanding trapping, underlayment, registration, and anticipating intangibles before they occur. I am used to working with deadlines and am a fast and efficient worker.
I am willing to provide samples upon request. If you prefer you can send me a graphic and I will separate it and return files to you as a free test of my ability. I can give you a flat rate price on any job within minutes of seeing a sample image, as well as tell you the number of colors it will require and the suggested screen mesh for optimal print quality.
Put my experience and expertise to work for you today!
Thanks for your time and consideration,
Gabriel Lee
Gryphon Graphics