Questions about cutters/purchasing

I am looking into the purchase of a vinyl cutter. I will be using it ONLY for cutting vinyl to fit up to 12" ceramic tiles and small designs/lettering to put on chalk boards/dry erase boards. I am not going to be doing any color printing, etc.
I am so confused!:confused: I have been online for 6+ hours scouring forums and cutter websites looking for answers. Can anyone please answer any of the following questions:

Is a desktop cutter all that I really need?

Do I need one that has a contour cutter? Don't really understand it's purpose.

I already have paint shop pro and it is compatible to open/read .eps, .ai and .ps files. Is this all I need to make my own designs?

Is there a brand/type of cutter that works with PSP?

I absolutely do NOT want to purchase a cutter that has software that has to be connected to the internet while cutting the vinyl. Any suggestions? When it says it requires the internet, does that mean it has to be connected while cutting or just when you are designing/sizing/etc?

Can any of your designs be programed into the machine and assigned a number for cutting?

Can anyone give me information where to purchase a vector software (I think it would be vector) that has designs specifically for monogram type designs. I saw on ebay a tile that had a frame style design with a cut-out center where you would personalize it with a name. This is the type of products I am looking to make.

I know these are a lot of questions, but I do not want to go into a small business completely blind. Any and all info is so much appreciated. Websites with tutorials, or indepth information would be nice! But personal experiences would be great!
Thank You in advance.....................Ranita

charcoll98 wrote:
Ranita I would suggest the Silhouette Cameo. It is a 12"x12" cutter which sounds like will fit your needs. They sell for around $279
Go to this website:
You do not have to be connected to Internet to cut files but you cut the files tru the software on the computer. The software uses GSD files(verify this please!) if I am not mistaken and I use a wonderful company that specializes in vector files that many can be used for tiles. take a look around their site and they also have customer gallery with pictures inspire you. Tell them Charlotte C sent you :) they helped me get started and I try to return the favor. Hope this helps you!

This is likely your best bet. Unless you are doing a lot of vinyl cutting, a desktop cutter is likely more than you need. Besides, if you find this is struggling to make ends meet, the price point is low enough to not break the bank.

Ranita I would suggest the Silhouette Cameo. It is a 12"x12" cutter which sounds like will fit your needs. They sell for around $279
Go to this website:
You do not have to be connected to Internet to cut files but you cut the files tru the software on the computer. The software uses GSD files(verify this please!) if I am not mistaken and I use a wonderful company that specializes in vector files that many can be used for tiles. take a look around their site and they also have customer gallery with pictures inspire you. Tell them Charlotte C sent you :) they helped me get started and I try to return the favor. Hope this helps you!