some experience of mine about embroidery digitizing

henry's picture

The embroidery time depending on the speed of the machine basically, But we are albe to refer to some kind of data and method , To make the stitch less and shorten the time ,

Below is some experience of mine ,

1,The space of Tatami .。

As we known ,tatami is fit for larger embroidery area . As a rule, the stitch space preferences is 4mm, But as tatami has much density and frequency , the stitch is more than other stitch , We can have a try on changing the stitch space to 4.5mm or 5mm. The finished products have been prove to be no different from 4mm.

2, Triming and Color change

Since the machine has learned how to trim and change color, It bring us unlimited
convenience , and inspire us creation . but, each triming . it will take almost 0.5 second to stop the machine , 0.5 second to trim and almost 1 second to make the machine working again,
Color changing will still take almost 2 second to move the machine head except all triming time ,
from here we see that ; when we digitizing . we'd better arrange the same color to embroider , Connectting the stitch located different place with single sitch , SO we can reduce the times of triming and color changing ,

hope it works for you