By g2graphics on
Dec. 11, 2012
New to the Embroidery, Just got a TMEXC-901, I have not been able to get it running because its shows a 3D6 Error Message. It's asking for a EX. SYS Disk file to initialize the CPU, but there was no floppy that came the Machine, If someone has this file or can get it for me. or point me to the right directions, thanks everyone :)
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
call Tajima service, they will email you the file. you just need to transfer it to a floppy disk and follow install procedure, should not take you more than 15 min to get back up and running.
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
I solved 3D6 error for Tajima with panel like in attached files.
First I changed the CPU card battery and after I installed the software.
You can try to install the software without to change the battery,but I don t know....
The CPU battery is located on Big panel card(see picture)
You have attached the model of battery
Tajima machines with white panel is possible to have an additional memory card,with own battery.
Check also this battery.
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
Hi, please I have a issue with my Tajima model TFHX Type: 1-1A. It displayed 3D6. I will be very grateful, someone should help with the installation file. This is my email address(
warm regards
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
Hi, please have you solved it, I'm in the same situation as you, same model as the Tajima, I have the EX.SYS file, thanks
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
did you fix it?
I can give you this file.
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
Hello to all. Thank you for the welcoming. New to the embroidery profession. please i need your help to unblock the "3d6" error message on a Tajima TMEX C1501. I think I also need to re-install the system. Thank you for your help. I've already change the CPU battery
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
Hello I have the same problem is there anyway you can send me the file as well
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
I hafe this file más i canto sendyou
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
I need the TMEX C1201 S. ex.sys pléyade sendme by
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
I hafe this 2 files por diferent machines
TEHX v1.13 and
TMFX v3.91 s
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
if your machine has standard panel(not LCD) maybe is necessary first to change CPU battery(inside the panel),and after to install exe.sis
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
Please you sent to me....
Thank you very much
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
Please, contact me : to get es.sys file for TMEX
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
I'm in the same boat as everyone else. New to this and getting the same error message on my Tajima TMFX-C904. It does have the usb upgrade tho. Do I put the file on the usb and just plug it in?? Can someone send me the file as well. Thanks!
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
I have a system file called EX.SYS for Tajima TMFX, but it is version 3.70S. I am willing to give it to someone who could give me TMFX EX.SYS version 3.10S. :)
My e-mail is
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
I have TMFX C902 and have the same issue. Please send EX.SYS file to me.
Thank you very much. ;)
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
Ciao , ho una Tajima TMEX-C901 da un'anno ferma perchè non possiedo il EX.SYS originale e non riesco a risalire alla versione giusta da installare .
I tecnici mi hanno passato delle versioni ma con nessun successo , ogni volta mi esce un errore diverso .
Sono confusa: non so più cosa fare .
Mi potete aiutare ?
Grazie mille
[email address]
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
la mia email è :
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
I also I have the same problem please could send the file to this email
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
Normal, this error showed when the battery (panasonic vl2330 3v) on the X-CPU main board of control panel is low
You need to replace it by new one. Then install the compatible firmware.
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
Can I have this file also? :(
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
My e-mail is
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
Every machine has a different file and as far as I know you will need to install your old floppy if it has been converted to USB in order to install the EX.SYS
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
dgeorge is correct. The batteries will need to be changed (some have one, some two) in the control panel. They are solder-in type and not the "plug and play" like the newer ones. Once this is completed the software will have to be reloaded and the parameters reset.
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
Could you send me the file at this email address I would appreciate it.
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
I also I have the same problem please could send the file to this email will thank you enough
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
Hello i have a tfhx-iic1206 tajima and leave me 3d6 error, can send me the file to solve the problem, and instructions
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
HI, same problem here... I have TMEC-C1201. Getting error message 3D6, anyone out there have a file they can send to me? Its the weekend, would love to fix asap!
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
Did you ever get to solve 3d6? We just experienced this error on our machine. Did the file resolve the problem?
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
You should do :
1) Re install the software (You need the EX.SYS file for installing)
2) If you still get this error after a few days. You need to replace the battery on CPU board before re install the software.
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
Hello, I have also a TMLH machine showing the 3D6 error.
I have replaced the battery but I'm not able to install the software.
I have floppy disk and the EX.SYS file. Have tried but no sucess.
My question is:
Is there anything special the floppy need, other than be formatted?
Does it need to be 720Kb or it can be a 1.44Mb diskette?
The diskett need only to be formatted, then only copy the ex.sys file (no other files need ) ?
Is there any trick to prepare the diskette..?
The original floppy disk is 720k but is damaged so I'm trying to prepare a new diskette. i have the ex.sys file stored on my computer.
Please help me!
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
No trick !
Must be an 720K disk,formatted Tajima.
On disk ONLY ex.sys file.
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
Originally Posted by embvn View Post
did you fix it?
I can give you this file.
I also I have the same problem please could send the file to this email
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
I have just purchased a second hand TMEX C-1201-S that has the 3D6 error. If anyone has the ex.sys file handy and can send to me I would be very thankful :)
Thanks in advance!
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
could you please send me the file
i have error 3d6
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
The same problem please help with the file for c904 I have the USB drive my email is please please
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
I am need of sys file for TEHX-C1500 . My floppy are corrupt and will not load. Do you still have these files or downloads?
Re: Help Error Message on my Tajima {3D6}
Hi I am having the same problem, I have a TFHX-II 1504C and I get the 3D6 error, can send me the file and instructions to load the system file. It will not read a floppy file that works in another machine. I'm thinking I didn't install correctly.
Thank you