I have a Melco EMC6 with a Tajima head that is probably close to 23 yrs old. For the past 16 yrs, I have just used it part time since I have been employed full time. I am having trouble with my machine - it still works great but some of the electronic boards are giving me problems - such as the one with the up/down/sideways arrows that control the movement of the machine. I am also having trouble with the computer and/or software that drives the machine. The computer has been upgraded once but that company is no longer in business. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where to locate parts that will work on the older machines? I hate to lose the ability to use the machine because it still sews great, plus, my husband will lose his job in January and I need to be able to utilize the machine to pick up some extra money. I can't do that if it is not dependable to boot up!
Thanks for any help you can provide!
Re: Need help w old Melco EMC6
I have a melco emc6 and in the past if I needed help just even over the phone CH Holderby has really been great. 1-800-431-6646. They have walked me through tech. Issues so I could fix it myself. Hope that helps.