Toyota ESP 9000 connecting issues

DKgrafix's picture

I have recently purchased used Toyota ESP 9000 to ad additional machine to my Tajima Neo2.

Of course, the machine come with all the goodies but without a support. And our "friends" at Pantograms are very eager to charge arm and a leg just to help me to connect the machine to the computer. I have the paperwork, but all the explanations and instructions are for ESP 9100 for some reason.

Is there anyone on this group that can help me to connect my 9000 to my Windows 7 PC? I have bought conversion cable that will convert standard 9 pin RS2302 cable to USB (due to my computer not having an 9 pin connector) and my machine is still not recognized by the computer. I have installed a copy of Forte digitizing and I also have a Expert Stitch Manager installed on my PC.
Everything looks OK, but my machine is still not recognized by the PC.

Any help would be appreciated.



You might want to talk to someone at Data-Stitch in Texas They have been supporting Toyota machines for 20 years. Theymake some nice digitizing software also, very high level of control for density in wireframe & fills.

Assuming Win7 recognized the USB to serial adapter in device manager and loaded the correct driver for it. If not, that's the first thing you'll need to get working. Since you have Expert Stitch Manager, here's about as good a tutorial on setting that up as you'll find:

Make sure the USB to serial adapter is recognized under device manager and then scan that COM port.


DKgrafix's picture

DeepWoods wrote:
Assuming Win7 recognized the USB to serial adapter in device manager and loaded the correct driver for it. If not, that's the first thing you'll need to get working. Since you have Expert Stitch Manager, here's about as good a tutorial on setting that up as you'll find:

Make sure the USB to serial adapter is recognized under device manager and then scan that COM port.


Did that, still nothing.

Could it be Firewall?


DKgrafix wrote:
Did that, still nothing.

Could it be Firewall?

Windows firewall won't affect RS232 connections so I don't believe that's the problem. About the only way I can think to test your USB serial adapter connection is with an old serial mouse and I doubt you have one of those laying around. :rolleyes: That would eliminate the USB to serial adapter or driver being the cause and leave you with the 9000 most likely being the problem. Another computer with a known working regular serial port would work as well but you'd have to install the ESM software & connect it to the 9000 just for testing. Basically process of elimination on what works until you find where the problem is. I'm still leaning towards the USB to serial adapter causing the problem.


Im running a different brand ZSK but I stopped using floppys and made my machines wireless. It was easy on our equipment, even the older machines but I am not sure if this would work on your equipment. I would ask the dealer if you could do this. We love it and its FAST.

cdwheato's picture

My question is whether your windows is 64bit or 32bit. that would determine which adapter to get. If it is 64bit get the IOgear GUC232A USB to db9 adapter. This is the only adapter I could get to work, and it works great. If it is 32bit let me know and I will track down the name of the adapter I used before when I had a 32bit computer.