Opinions of Toyota ESP9000

I am extremely new to this business and am curious if anyone has
experience with a Toyota ESP 9000 - around 2006 model year.
If anyone has any input or has seen a thread discussing this I would be grateful for the info.


United States

Toyota is basically a remodelled Tajima. I know two people who use them and are very happy. Basically buttet proof but as with buying any second hand machine check it is in good working order and that all the needles are running OK. Why are they selling? Have they bent it somehow?
My only question would be if you bought it; where is your nearest support. If you do something stupid with it and cannot fix it yourself , how long will it take to get someone to come out and fix it.

garagewear's picture

Actually the Toyota 9000/9100 and Tajima Neo/NeoII were joint designed and manufactured by Toyota & Tajima. They are different in their operating systems. All 4 machines are great quality. The Toyota is a little less expensive only due to name.