New to Futura CE-200

I am new to the Futura CE-200. Very excited about it. Problem-cannot get the autopunch software to work and once I load it, Futura software will not open at all. I have downloaded the upgrade from the Singer website. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Signed: Stranded in embroidery thread! (Sue):confused:

United States

Hi i'm new to having a singer futura 200
ive recently installed the base program and was wandering if anyone had a copy of auto punch and a few of the other programs to run with the machine to hand
if possible as files
i will pay money for them provided they work
alternatively is there other software that i could use instead of the singer software to get me to do digitizing ,converting my jpeg images into usable embroidery files,using the fonts i have on my pc for embroidery

help would be appreciated

colin wrote:
The version 3 futura and autopunch software that comes with the ce250 is far better then the orignal v1 or v2 that was sold with the ce200 models.

Can someone please upload singer 2.5 upgrade for futura ce 200.
I am very frustrated with this machine. Please help!

Hmm..that's very odd. Installing and opening software should be very straightforward. The only thing I can think of is that somehow the software did not install properly or if the software was working before you upgraded, maybe you did not upgrade it properly by choosing the wrong upgrade package for your system.

Have you tried uninstalling the software then restarting the computer and then installing the software again? Does the software work before the upgrade? We need more details and tell us what operating system you re running :)

i've got exactly the same problem as sue, i've tried doing as ren70 but end up having the same problem, not only futura shortcut icon not loading, also thru' start/all program/futura didnt work/load either. however, if futura main program on its own, no problem so far. but no point either since i actually wanted to work with autopunch.. help needed, and highly appreciated! many thanks.

by the way, i'm on windows XP, pentium 4, 512mb RAM. thanks once again!

I started with a fresh installation of Windows XP and did not install any updates. I did this because I am not going to go onlne with the computer. Autopunch has since worked!!!

Now I am experiencing 2 major problems: :(
bobbin looping
Feed dogs won't work after switching back to sewing from emboidery

I can see that the machine can be wonderful--but it seems to be over the rainbow right now!

Any suggestions?
Thanks, Sue.

I am also having the same problem that Futura Autopunch will not install. It keeps saying that the installation is aborted. Does anyone know how to correct this yet? I have Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1, 512 MB of Ram. I was using Autopunch, then I installed the correct service update and then I couldn't even click on Futura and open it. I went back in and uninstalled the update and reinstalled Futura, and now the Autopunch will not install. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I miss using Autopunch. Thanks

Thank you Eastview! That definately was the problem in my case too. My program still seems to act up a little, but I am just glad I was able to install the Autopunch. I am glad you were able to help. I emailed SINGER many times and never got a response. I wanted to purchase Photostitch and Cross Stitch for my machine, but with all the problems with Autopunch and the fact that you can never get any help from SINGER, who knows what I will do. I guess I just wish that SINGER thought as much of their customers as we think of their products. SINGER is always there when you want to spend the money, but have a slight problem and SINGER has left the building.

Singer did finally contact me and state that it was the Windows update that caused the problem. My Autopunch works great now. The only problem now is my machine was not embroidering correctly. It is in the shop for service now. It has something to do with the tension in the bobbin area. So when I get it back, I will be set to start enjoying my program again. Thank again to all of you for all the help I received on this site.

I've only had my futura 200 for three weeks and I can't stop creating embroidery items. It's so much fun. I had the same problem when I loaded autopunch (hyperfront would have created the same problem also.) A friendly singer dealer gave me the answer. It's a conflict with a windows xp update. You can fix it. Here's how to do it: The update was fairly recent (not before June, 2006 for sure). First, you have to go to control panel, click on security center. Then left click on automatic updates located at the bottom of the pop-up screen. Select notify me but...or turn off automatic updates.Click OK. Now, to remove the problem update. Go to control panel. Left click on add/remove programs. Check the "show updates" box. Scroll down and look for "Security Update for Windows XP (KB917422). It WILL be there. left click on this update. Left click on remove. Continue following the prompts to remove the update. Reboot computer. Mine did that automatically. I reinstalled autoPunch. It didn't cause Futura software to "not open". I immediately went to Create on the Futura page. Auto punch is there. I pulled up a favorite clip art piece that I'd saved. I followed the steps right through to the sewing part. It set my little clip art piece up with 12 different colors for the design. I transmitted the design and it sewed up. I hope this will help you guys who are having the same problem I was having. Good luck.

Thank you eastview! We have been having the same problem. Your fix resolved the issue with Autopunch!!!!

Here is a fix I just found at Singer/Futura

I have not tested this as I just found it after successfully using the KB917422 fix listed in this news group.

Quoted from Futura site:

"Patch for FUTURA and the latest Windows XP update
Following a Windows XP update released by Microsoft in August 2006, there have been cases where the following Futura Options programs have been disabled. This includes AutoPunch, HyperFont, PhotoStitch, and Auto Cross-stitch . A patch has been created to correct this problem.

Attention: Please note that this patch is only for users working on Windows XP and having any of the above Options programs installed. The update released in August conflicts with these programs and will not allow them or your basic Futura software to open. If your software is running without any problems, there is no reason to download and install this patch.

Important: Please note that it is necessary to run the patch after every Futura Option is installed. This includes AutoPunch, HyperFont, PhotoStitch and Auto Cross-Stitch. Install the first program (for example AutoPunch), run the patch, next open the Futura software. Type in the access code and click on check mark if requested. Close the software and turn off the machine.
Repeat the steps outlined above for each of the other Options programs that you install.

Regarding the Service Updates that can be found below, if any of these updates are required, please make sure to install these before running and installing the patch, installing the following patch should be done as a last step.

In order to download this patch please click here

November 9, 2006 --- It's now the next day and I have now installed the Futura patch and reinstalled the Microsoft Windows XP security patch KB917422. Seems to be working OK now but did get an error message 1003 after installing the patch and attempting to start the Futura program. Not exactly sure what cleared the problem but at first the Furtura program would not start. I rebooted the computer, no help, then unplugged the USB cord to the Singer CE-200, rebooted the computer again and then re-plugged in the USB cable again and everything began to work. On my computer it takes several seconds for the Furtura program to start but eventually the Furtura window comes up. :)

I'm a newbie to embroidery but i'm quite a keen computer bod.

I had the same problem until i went onto the Singer support site and downloaded the patch for XP service pack 2 and another extra bit of software (about 10mb) from the update page on their site. It worked fine after that.

Apparently the software was designed for earlier versions and Windows cocked it all up when they brought out SP2.

Anyone willing to share or sell thier copy of Auto Punch? I have a CE-100 and have been searching all over for a 'more affordable' Auto Puch software. To no current's a astounding $299!!!:(

Hi I am also having the same problem. Futura will not load after installing autopunch. i've tried all the suggestions here short of a fresh xp installation. i'm ready to pull out my hair!
someone please help. going to try again after a good nights sleep

I just got a 200 and cannot seem to get the tension this the problem you had and what have you found out? Thanx


I have the Futura CE200, and have almost thrown it out the window with frustration!

I was having a problem that I could install futura, but not autopunch, after trailing forums and speaking to singer USA and UK, one month later I finally got an answer that worked.

The problem on mine was that AVG was stopping it from installing properly. So I uninstalled AVG and Futura, and started again, and finally it worked, over a month from when I started having the problems.

Singer were frankly not much help, although they suggested AVG might be a problem, that took a month to get to that response, before that they kept sending me the same advice over and over again, and each time I made it clear what was wrong, but they still kept sending me the same answer.

Anyway its sorted now, and I thought I'd post this just incase anyone is still having problems, it's worth a try anyway.

And if it doesn't work, you just need to install AVG again, so you haven't really lost anything.

Good Luck!

The version 3 futura and autopunch software that comes with the ce250 is far better then the orignal v1 or v2 that was sold with the ce200 models.