I run a 4-head Tajima. Friday I was running caps and it was perfectly fine. Today I started getting a 3A6 error and upon doing a manual trim with the throat plate off one head realized that the thread cutters aren't working. Bear with me...I don't know all the technical names of parts....I checked the bar on the back of the machine that moves the thread cutters. There is a red light on. I pushed the bar all the way over to the left and pulled it back all the way to the right. I took all plates off and cleaned all the cutters. Twice. It is still not cutting thread. Our tech can't come out until Thursday and I'm hoping I can find a solution. I have turned trimming off for the time being as we have a job we can't wait on. However, if you've ever had to do that you know what a pain it is! I'm hoping it is something very simple. I really don't want to run 115 hats tomorrow without my thread trimmer!
Re: Troubleshooting--4-Head Tajima TX series--Thread cutters sto
Call your tech back and ask him to walk you through the fix; problem is he will probably have you take off the table and adjust the ath cutters manually because it sounds like they are not aligned. Not a huge deal but until they are adjusted they aren't going to cut right.