Embroidery quality

Hello guys, all the fellow digitizer.

I've been worked as a Digitizer for some years until now, but I'm still curious about how we can increase the embroidery quality yet the price still competitive, I'm talking about really competitive market here, because I'm based in Indonesia, that have a pretty big garment markets.

So guys, any suggestions from the pros here? :)

phyxius101 wrote:
Thanks for the link chinaemblem, it's really helpful.

I'm happy you like it!

phyxius101 wrote:
Hello guys, all the fellow digitizer.

I've been worked as a Digitizer for some years until now, but I'm still curious about how we can increase the embroidery quality yet the price still competitive, I'm talking about really competitive market here, because I'm based in Indonesia, that have a pretty big garment markets.

So guys, any suggestions from the pros here? :)

Hmm interesting perspective.
Let me answer a question with a question back at you ?

Why do you feel that producing High Quality is more expensive ?

I am in the USA but I think I am in a competitive market and we are VERY Picky about the quality we produce.
However where my thought process differs is that to me producing High Quality never cost more in fact I would argue that in many cases it cost me less in the long run.

For an example.
The cheap shops use Auto Digitizing to produce their files. Yes it saves them money however its not as good of qualtity as real digitizing but in the long run they pay for this in production with the extra time it takes to run a file that ends up with a higher stitch count and more trims and color changes than would be accomplished if you really digitized the design.
So in the long run it cost them MORE in production every time they hit the start button, not to mention gives them the reputation of doing not as good quality work which will catch up with them one day.

The cheap shops use Cheap Thread which breaks more often, which in turn stops production at the cost of labor. Same goes for other supplied like bobbins.

The cheap shops use cheap machines that are not as productive so they do not produce as many garments per hour and the embroidery is not as high of a quality as it is on a better machines which normally can produce better quality embroidery even at higher speeds.

So in my personal opinion not being cheap is what has kept my business going thru the years and I have watched many "Cheap Shops" go out of business time afer time. When I opened my shop on the road that I am on now I was the 4th shop that had a retail storefront inside of a couple of miles. Eveyone asked me why I would open up in an area that already had so much competition and my reply was simple. We produce higher quality work so those other shops are NOT my competition. We are the only one left as the others have closed except for one who was the best of the bunch and we ended up hiring that owner which was a win win for everyone because she is good with customers and sales.

In the long run I feel that by producing higher quality work that it saves your business because you end up with a long lasting better reputation and people are willing to pass your name around (Free Advertising)

Just becuase I am producing higher quality work does not mean that I have to always be the more expensive but at the same time I am not the cheapest guy in town.

By doing things in a better way it also means your more PRODUCTIVE which at the end of the week saves you money !

I have NEVER been the cheapest guy in our area but I am one of the more productive shops and some of the cheaper guys are no longer in business.

To me quality speaks for iteslf in the long run its what will save your business, but thats just my opinion on the matter.

I do understand there is always that customer who is looking for the cheapest shop in town and for 25 cents less they will move their business to another shop. That is NOT the customer I am looking for.
The cheapest shops in town just never seem to keep their doors open that long.
Just my opinion

Robert Young's picture

I agree with Logo Advantage that the digitizing is much easier to produce the quality up front... BUT you asked about EMBROIDERY quality... here is where I think I can understand your pain... with clients there is a constant learning and teaching back and forth. SO many new people each year that think you provide a digitized file and THAT IS IT... quality is totally in the digitizing. There is the rub... it has to be a marriage between digitizing and production. The only way I have found this to work if you communicate on HOW to sew your design... slow down here, use thinner 60wt thread... use this needle for Leather... explain your experience with metallic threads... etc. They may not heed your advice but at least you gave it so if there is a quality issue you have more than just "digitizing" to discuss.

Modern Embroidery Designer

I can't be more agree with LogoAdvantage, thanks for the detail inputs.

And maybe it should have be more expensive for a HIGHER QUALITY embroidery than just the ordinary one, because I think it's not that simple to make a pretty decent quality embroidery even though we used expensive thread, bobbins etc. we need to harmonized the digitizing and production like our senior Robert Young said. But, not only the digiziting that need to be improved, the production process is important too. Yes?

So, what you guys suggesting to improve the embroidery quality and the production at a low rates approx. (10cents - $1.5) per piece of embroidery *for the minimum order above 300pcs* :S