By Seamstress on
Jan. 31, 2014
A piece of fabric got caught in the rotary hook. I gently removed it and had to retime the machine. It will pick up the bobbin thread and sew about 12 stitches, then displays a message --Sewing Motor Lock. The rear wheel will rotate 3 times then almost gets stuck with the needle at its lowest position. It appears to need to be aligned, but I don't know how. Any Help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Toyota AD 860 Embroidery Machine-repair
Take the rotary hook off of the machine and see if the machine still binds.
If the machine turns freely replace the rotary hook with a new one.
If the machine still binds you may want to check the needle depth, and the drive levers on the machine for adjustment.
Dennis Wilson
Embroidery Machine Technician