can this be embroidered?

Hi, and Merry Christmas.

I have a digitizer which I am very happy with. However, he tells me that this artwork which I have uploaded cannot be digitized and keep all the shading as there are too many colors. Is there anyone out there that can do this and make it look perfect. He wants it to look just like the artwork, including all the blending. The customer that wants this is a nit-picky perfectionist that really has no idea what he is talking about. But if I can get it digitized, I am looking at at least twenty to thirty pieces each month, continuously.
The sizes will be on the front of a cap and possibly the back of a jiu-jitsu Gi.
By the way, I use isacord polyester thread for my stitching. I also have a single head Toyota 850 to do my embroidery on.

Please send samples to
Thanks in advance


United States

Everything can be digitized, just a matter of a personal view is what each customer can accept as perfect (according to the price he is intended to pay for).
With all my respect to professionals around here ( and you ), I would estimate such a job just for your refference this way:
If this should be done in a size of about 10x3.5cm or so,
collors for white and black objects, for these 4 outline guys.., the lettering color and its shadows which are for me 2 type of shadows.., and if I go to the blending background beside these guys, ( and if I should make fill inside their bodies..), all these small lettering of 3 mm .. wow
Believe me, my price will shock you. Just too much testing before my acceptance, and too much more before your acceptance of such type of job.
For me if does not worth at all.
I mean your digitizer is just fine with his refusal.

I agree with 1965. It is unrealistic to even think embroidery can look just like the artwork.
Some aspects of the design can be acheived but would it meet the customers expectations? Clue here is when you stated him saying just like the artwork! Anyone who would take on the digitizing of this design knowing that would have to be a little crazy.
The way to go is silk screening.