By Logan on
Apr. 10, 2014
I've recently started a position in a screen printing shop that also has a Barudan Beat IV embroidery machine and have been teaching myself how to use it. I've been running into trouble when working with caps on a barrel hoop. I can get everything running but run to to two problems semi-regularly. 1 is thread breaks and the other is needle breaks. If anyone has any suggestions at all as to what kind of thread or what gauge of needle I should be using it would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Help with a Barudan Beat IV
It sounds like the caps could be flagging. Use 2 pcs of heavy cap backing and make sure the caps are hooped tightly. Another trick some use is to digitize a line of running stitches in same color as cap to be put down on front seam. This helps to marry the cap to the backing and bring it closer to he needle plate.
I always use a size 80/12 needle for caps and never have a problem. Make sure you don't use these needles for reg. garments afterwards. The caps really dull the needles.
Another reason for breaking needles is the backing used to construct the cap can cause needle breaks. I start my design just slightly off enter to avoid this.
Have you checked the timing? This can cause broken needles too. If you are sewing flats successfully then this is not the problem.
I'm sure there may be other reasons for you problems so I hope someone else will jump in with their suggestions.