Home embroidery in LA - Singer Futura CE-100 or 200 ?

I'm getting ready to buy a Singer Futura CE-100 or 200 - would love to get feedback as to how dependable they are - and how the digitizing software is viewed - can virtually any image from a PC be embroidered ? How hard is it to learn & use ?
Thanks to anyone who contributes to my decision !!

The machine is okay, not great. The software is also okay, not great.

can virtually any image from a PC be embroidered ?

Short answer is no. It needs very clean clipart without gradients and tiny details.

How hard is it to learn & use ?

Embroidering is not difficult, but digitizing is much harder. I guess it depends how enthusiatic you are about learning.

The only difference between ce100 and ce200 is the software. You can buy ce100 and purchase another digitizing software if you want.

I like my 100, just fine. but would love to someday have a more advanced machine((more $$)) I found the XXX designs do not work as well as the the PES designs. They work GREAT and there are many more of those designs then the XXX. :) And ANNTHEGRAN has loads of freebies. GOOD LUCK!!! have fun with what ever you get. My son does my designs for me, since he is a wizard with the computer, and i am not. He got Embroidery Magic 2, and works with that. Hope this helps you. HAVE A GREEEEAT DAY!!!

Well, Singer is intended for home use, so it is great for home use, but if you want to really go pro, then a much much bigger machine is needed.

But since it is a home embroidery, 100 or 200 are perfect! although I would recommend you to purchase another digitizing software.

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