help!! futura ce 200

hello again today i tryied the big hoop.i placed it BEFORE opening the futura program,and i had the same problems. i
type 4 letters A B C D ..IN THE PC .I put them at the four corners to see if the singer goes to the corect points
when i press the "send block" .i put A on the top left B on the top right corner C on the right..... and D on the left
and down corner.when i pressed the send block for my first letter A the singer went on the top left corner and it was
ready for sewing, corect!oh i forgot it stoped 1 cm away from the left end of the hoop,remember this please! ok i go
on ,when i tried with B THE SINGER obey again and went to the right corner of the hoop and it was ready for sewing,but
the distance from the hoop on the right,was 2!! cm.i thing that it sould be 1 cm as the A was on the right.In my pc
program i put the letters at the four corners 1 mm before the program complain that i am out of the area, ok? this was
the first problem.i go on with the third letter C i pressed the "send block" and went down and right 2 cm from the right
side of the hoop, as the letter B was.the worst was with letter D..when i pressed the ''send block''the singer supposed
to move on the left corner, because she was allready down ,from the previous C LETTER, and do the D LETTER .but NEVER
moved!! she make the sound again like grrrrr tried to move a little but nothing.. at the end she remained exactly over
the C LETTER and she was ready for sewing but in the wrong place!!it was like something did not let the hoop to move
ilooked if it was stack with something but no. yesterday i tried to sew my name and she sewed two letters together the
one over the other!!I DONT want to be tedious but I convinced my girlfriend to buy this machine for her ,she wanted to
buy a smaler one so i convinced her to buy the good one for her work so SHE payied 1240 euro to take this SINGER so you
can thing of my position now!!!!!!!im in BIG TROUBLE!!!!