By firstduegear on
Jul. 29, 2014
Hey Everyone,
I am having some issues with a few files that I have converted from .ofm to .pes, when stitched out it does weird things to the outline and the size of only part of the letters. Does anyone know how to avoid this or do I need to re-digitize the designs?
Re: conversion problems from one format to another
Hey Sarah,
You can try two things before thinking about re-digitizing.
1. Switch the Software for the conversion. You can use the free wilcom "truesizer" or "my editor" from wingsxp. I had ones a problem converting a file in tajima pulse but with truesizer it worked.
2. Try to save it as DST or emb before converting it to .pes maybe this will solve your problem.
Re: conversion problems from one format to another
Thanks! I will try that now
Re: conversion problems from one format to another
Indeed, it depends upon how each program determines the stitch data.
It is the equivalent of pictures where some formats are raster bitmaps, while others are vectors.
So for embroidery some files store the data for every stitch and machine code, whereas others store for blocks and densities, so effectively calculate the stitches every time.
This makes sense in terms of file size and flexibility when it comes to resizing.
However, if one format uses individual stitch data and you need to convert to one that uses blocks, then it is down to how the conversion creates those blocks from individual stitches. As you have discovered, some programs can throw up problems and the only way is to try different methods, edit the incorrectly translated areas, or re-punch the design.