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Hello everyone, I heard about this site through a friend who has truly blessed me in telling me about you all. I am in a bit of a pickle and would like to ask anyone who runs a SWF embroidery machine for some information. I bought an older SWF that runs the daystar II program. When the machine got here the program could not be found and the origional owner said she did not have the disks anymore. I am a disabled veteran who is trying to put two children through college and have invested 12 grand into this machine. Please if anyone either has a copy they could sell reasonably or knows where I can get one let me know. Otherwise all I got is a huge paperweight and am having to turn work away that I really can use. My daytime phone number is 910-594-0342 and my name is josie. I did contact SWF and they said the program was no longer available through them and my best chance at finding it was here. They said the only other alternative was to invest in a totally new different program and right now that is not economically feasable. Thank you in advance and am looking forward to hearing from anyone who can suggest how to fix the situation or can help me obtain a copy. Thanks and God Bless.

Robert Young's picture

12K seems high unless this is a multihead, but if the machine works then sub out your digitizing for now? Do you personally know how to digitize already? Any digitizer can provide designs for you, so it is not a paperweight.

If the software was included in the written contract you both signed when purchasing the machine then you have grounds ... please let us know that you did not buy a machine with nothing in writing?

Modern Embroidery Designer

papasangel59 wrote:
Hello everyone, I heard about this site through a friend who has truly blessed me in telling me about you all. I am in a bit of a pickle and would like to ask anyone who runs a SWF embroidery machine for some information. I bought an older SWF that runs the daystar II program. When the machine got here the program could not be found and the origional owner said she did not have the disks anymore. I am a disabled veteran who is trying to put two children through college and have invested 12 grand into this machine. Please if anyone either has a copy they could sell reasonably or knows where I can get one let me know. Otherwise all I got is a huge paperweight and am having to turn work away that I really can use. My daytime phone number is 910-594-0342 and my name is josie. I did contact SWF and they said the program was no longer available through them and my best chance at finding it was here. They said the only other alternative was to invest in a totally new different program and right now that is not economically feasable. Thank you in advance and am looking forward to hearing from anyone who can suggest how to fix the situation or can help me obtain a copy. Thanks and God Bless.

I own 2 SWF single head machines. You do not need Daystar to run the machine. Daystar was bundled with older SWFs but it is merely an editing and digitizing software. Daystar is no longer available and if I remember correctly, was not very good-many had problems with it.

You can run the machine with any .dst file format. You can have files digitized for you or you can purchase stock designs in this format. To add lettering to a design or do a design with lettering only, you will need some kind of lettering & Editing program. Many people use Embird because it is very reasonable and you can add digitizing if you choose at a later date. Also there is a lot of support online through individuals and user groups. Embird.net

As far running your machine, there are many videos at YouTube.com. Do a search there for ColDesi or SWFEast to teach you how.

I hope I have helped you. Good luck.