By Fura! on
Feb. 01, 2017
Hello, everyone!
Does anyone have OS files for this SWF LCD control panel? (look at picture)
Hello, everyone!
Does anyone have OS files for this SWF LCD control panel? (look at picture)
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
prueba estos dos
y solo he visto la opcion para escoger el tipo de corte en el modelo c
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
cpu 386 or 486 tubular or flat
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
En todo caso prueba el bb si es 386 o cb si es 486 no te olvides de formatear toda la memoria primero
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
Thank you very much indeed!
Probably it is what I need, I run it on my PC, parameters seems to be, that I'm looking for. But when I try to install this file on my machine, it says "program too big to fit in memory"...
I don't know reason. Maybe because I have only 4mb memory installed. I will try to set one more 72pin old memory card. Maybe it will help me.
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
forget to attach picture
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
tomale foto internamente y mandalo en especial la placa base y para instalar yo utilizo el f1+f2+f7 y configuracion f1+f2+f3
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
Yes, before upgrade I pressed f1+f2+f3, then I chose F1 - Flash Format, internal memory was clear. And then, after reboot, I pressed f1+f2+f7 and chose F1 (system install).
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
se debe a que la version del firmware de la memory card es antigua ese tambien tienes que actualizarlo

Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
Wow! But how can I upgrade this?
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
tomale foto para ver la version del firmware ic
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
Thank you!
Please, look at the pictures, this is my system.
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
As I see - it's v.1.8
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
el tuyo queda ahi no se puede actualizar el sistema ni el firmware de la memory card es demasiado antiguo es por el modelo de la cpu y de la memory card.
si deseas invertir tendrias que comprar una nueva cpu y memory card que esta como $3000 y es este tipo
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
By the way, frolito, Do you have old system files? In case if something happens during update, I could have possibility to recover system.
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
cual es el problema porque quieres cambiar de sofware tienes algun problema? puedes sacar un backup de tu sistema de la misma bordadora
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
I did backup system file. The name of this file is SWF_C.exe
But when I try to install SWF_CB.exe (that you give me) - it says "system file not found"
When I try to rename SWF_CB to SWF_C - it says "program is to big to fir in memory"
What about another file, that you give me - SWF_BB.exe - what is it?
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
ese es codigo por tipo de cpu no le pongas ninguno porque le quieres cambiar de sistema cual es el problema
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
Thank you, Frolito, I appreciate your attention to this question.
Upgrade costs too much... So, maybe later I will buy brand new OPbox.
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
I would never want to upgrade system, but I have problem - looping during embroidery. Problem is in frame start moving angle. In old OS there is no possibility to change these parameters. But in new OS we have new part of parameters.
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
esta es la version la ultima version que encontre para tumaquina de la misma pagina de swf comparalo con la tuya
C.VER 2007.04.09(A-Serise) LCD type
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
I've spent some time with testing and learning.
I have 6 different version of OS files. But in every file there is no possibility to choose trimming method. I need to chose "motor", but in new OS there is only "solenoid"...
So I need older OS file...
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
model? usb o floppy
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
OK no hay problema aqui estamos para ayudarnos
Re: SWF operation box OS upgrade
Hola se que este es un post viejo pero estoy buscando el mismo programa, por error aprete el boton que no era, necesito v1.8 o 2.2 o c2.3 no se cual le pueda servir a mi maquina.