Hi its my first forum i have just embarked on a project of bringing to life a broken singer ce 200 i am new to sewing too and would love you to share my journey as i try to fix i am a mum of one and would love to make her a few pretty bits i took a gamble on my small budget and will be trying to fix the machine my self i watching several videos on youtube, i am aware it the bobbin i did ask the seller on what was wrong she said the bobbin so i have ordered a a new bobbin and retainer i have no software fore this machine i am hoping it can work with out soft ware because i have not got nothing to go with it just the broken machine wish me luck it will be fun it might cost me more fixing it over the coming months I don't know i work in a nursery so it would be fun making stuff for the children too if i get it to work wish me luck i would be grateful for any advice or help what have i got my self in to right now the machine needs a good clean it very discoloured but it comes on the lights work have connected it to the pc yet it can sew the bobbin black barrel keeps coming out ah ordered parts let see in two weeks time what will:p happen. :)
Re: Hello every one
great god is good might be able to by some soft ware for the machine great start just waiting for parts keep you posted good night i heard you cant use any other software other than singers for this machine is that true?
Re: Hello every one
Do you know what format your Singer uses? I have heard that different models need different formats. Most software can save in different formats. As long as you are using software that can save in the format that you need, then you can use that software. It does not have to be Singer's software.