Precision Vortex Dryer

We got a Precision Vortex Dryer recently and can't get it to maintain temperature. It gets up to 350 and will hold until we start running shirts down it. Then the temp drops to 280ish. Can someone point me in the right direction for things to try or someone who works on these dryers in the Atlanta/ Athens area? Thanks!

United States
Binkspot's picture

Make sure the flame rod is clean, pull it out and sand with a scotch brite pad.

Watch the modulator valve when the temp drops. The arm should be almost horizontal when building temp, when it reaches temp it will be about 45 degrees or some where about there. As the temp changes the the modulator will regulate the gas flow to control the temp. I have seen them get stuck once warmed up.

350 maybe a bit cold for those dryers, closer to 400 is where you want to be.

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

I've cleaned the flame rod, blower fan, adjusted the modulator and can't get it above 350. I have it set at 400 though. I'm stumped.

Binkspot's picture

If the valve is all the way open (horizontal) then you are not getting a good flow of gas. It could be a bad regulator, solenoid valve, manual valve not open or even the the gas meter or supply from the street.

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

Very simple!
you do not have adequate gas supply.
#1 you need minimum 6" WC gas
for natural gas. minimum 3" WC gas for
increase if need be.
#2 you need adequate volume of gas to burner.
correct size of pipe supply.
#3 your burner must be clean and free of trash in
burner jets.
#4 your gas butterfly valve has to open to hi fire
#5 all seals must be tight.


your seals have to be good