old school tajima

We just bought a old tajima 6 head machine, I think its a TCC-HC660....

has a keypad display with two floppy drives. Question is why cant i read the floppy disks that it came with on my pc? Trying to open them up in our digitizing SW but cpu is saying that the disks are'nt even formatted........

So Im thinking this wasant a good purchase. Any one out there might have some answers?

Delivering the machine this weekend, so I really would like to know something before them...

Thanks for the help.


Old Tajima machines use 720KB DD (double-density) drives with 720KB DD diskettes. PC's today use 1.44MB disk drives with 1.44MB HD (high-density) diskettes.

A PC with Windows XP and a 1.44MB drive should be able to read/write (not format) 720KB diskettes. I don't know why your drive is unable to read them. Are the diskettes new or old? Maybe they have not been properly formatted yet?

If you have Windows XP and a 1.44MB disk drive, I don't think it supports formatting low density diskettes like the 720KB without using the Command Prompt (Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt). To format your 720KB diskette(s) on Windows XP, go to the Command Prompt and use the following command: format a: /n:9 /t:80

There is way to convert your machine to accept 1.44MB diskettes or to directly connect your PC to the machine via a kit. You have to contact a technician to do this.