By Robert Young on
Jan. 27, 2016
Hey there digitizers here is a question:
When blending two colors do you put the darker color down first or the lighter color?
Do you do a solid color with only the top color with a gradient. OR do you do both colors with gradients?
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Blending in thread
hmmm, i've never actually paid attention. i think it depends on the design. the size of the area, the degree of "fade", the number of colors fading to and from, the shape of the objects...
sometimes i use the "gradient" stitch, but then sometimes i use just a jagged fill.
good question...made me think. do you have a set way that you do it?
digitizing...since 1996.
Re: Blending in thread
The little bit of gradients I've done, it's always been a lot of tweaking to make it look like I wanted. One thing I noticed for myself was, depending on whether the gradient was fading from lighter to darker or darker to lighter, that dictated how I laid down the colors. If it was a predominately lighter to darker gradient, stitching the lighter color first seemed to look best.
I don't know that I ever tried a solid with only the gradient stitched on top. Everything I've done has been blending two gradients.