By datasafe on
Jun. 17, 2016
I smell trouble with this error :confused:
Check! X Motor Error 322
Anyone got any ideas?
I smell trouble with this error :confused:
Check! X Motor Error 322
Anyone got any ideas?
Re: Tajima Neo TEJT C150 - Error 322 Check! X Motor
It's either 1 of 2 things. It's either the X Card or the X Motor. I can help you narrow 1 of them down if you want to give me a call 540-553-2832
Re: Tajima Neo TEJT C150 - Error 322 Check! X Motor
Thanks for the reply. I'm in the UK - I promise not to call you to early :)
Re: Tajima Neo TEJT C150 - Error 322 Check! X Motor
Strangely, I switched the Tajima on today and after selecting 'FLAT' and pressing SET I was presented with 'NEEDLE CASE ERROR'. I cleared the error in the normal way and all was good!
Strange but good.
Any comments on this?
Re: Tajima Neo TEJT C150 - Error 322 Check! X Motor
When the settings are changed from flat to hat or vie versa it changes the software limits as to how far the x or y axis can move
Re: Tajima Neo TEJT C150 - Error 322 Check! X Motor
Keeping everything crossed :)
Thanks for your support.
Re: Tajima Neo TEJT C150 - Error 322 Check! X Motor
Hi there! I just sent you a text message, I am having this same issue. Can you please let me know if you can help me?
Thank you!!!
Re: Tajima Neo TEJT C150 - Error 322 Check! X Motor
Sorry to jump in on a old post.
I have a Tajima ESP9100 NET that was giving me X motor errors. I had a tec come out and change the motor, that was not the issue. He then said it must be the card but wasn't sure which it was, and said he would have to talk to a tajima tec... that was awhile ago. I'm looking for any advice on how I would go about finding out this information.
Re: Tajima Neo TEJT C150 - Error 322 Check! X Motor
Did you manage to fix this? I have the same issue!!! :-(
Re: Tajima Neo TEJT C150 - Error 322 Check! X Motor
It is because of power cable. Unplug /plug it
Re: Tajima Neo TEJT C150 - Error 322 Check! X Motor
I have tried this , maybe need new power supply