Why not use your real name?

Robert Young's picture

There was a thread on here a few years ago on this topic....

Why do most people still feel it necessary to hide behind some "handle" they create? Is it a fear of identity theft? lack of ability to be accountable for what you post? Fear of having clients find out your ideas? i dont know...

Please tell

I have had my name on every forum for a decade now... I cannot be a "cyberbully" because everyone knows who I am.. not anonymous (is anonymity what you want?)

maybe I am naive or just simple... but to me I WANT people to know when I post... I WANT people to understand I am not hiding... so whether you agree or not at least you hopefully respect that I am out there... out on a limb...not hiding like so many do. you know me, you know my businesses...you can hurt those I am vulnerable. but at least it is open and honest.

what is your fear?

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young's picture

bump: maybe I am naive or just simple... but to me I WANT people to know when I post... I WANT people to understand I am not hiding... so whether you agree or not at least you hopefully respect that I am out there... out on a limb...not hiding like so many do. you know me, you know my businesses...you can hurt those I am vulnerable. but at least it is open and honest.

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young's picture

ha I also thought it IRS. Thinking, well if the prison systems can take most of our large embroidery orders in this country... then why can't the IRS get involved in cutting out the middleman for their promotional products as well! lol

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young's picture

Adkins wrote:
I tend to think that some people have more than one identity in one forum.

I actually never thought about that.... but why would someone do that when NO ONE knows who they are in the first place??

so if you get in trouble with one alias you can just continue on with another? Or so you can have multiple "people" sharing your point of view on a subject to add more clout? (for example: you are mean.... I agree with previous poster you are mean...I also agree with the others that you are mean...etc. lol )

Modern Embroidery Designer

In my opinion not disclosing your name/company name is a "tell" for a shady operator. If you are posting on the classifieds to sell or buy and hiding behind a handle or a few handles, you are likely up to no good. Why anyone would pass money to a non-verifiable entity?

Seritech Inc.


Robert Young's picture

danlilsade wrote:
In my opinion not disclosing your name/company name is a "tell" for a shady operator. If you are posting on the classifieds to sell or buy and hiding behind a handle or a few handles, you are likely up to no good. Why anyone would pass money to a non-verifiable entity?

I agree with you.. BUT. you yourself have a handle.... just sayin. why is your actual NAME not sufficient? we have to go a layer deep to determine validity? :confused:

Modern Embroidery Designer