By iroquoisprint on
Sep. 20, 2016
We are located in Central Illinois and are looking for someone who works on Brother machines (1210 models). Please if anyone can help us..we have 3 machines that are in desperate need of tune ups
Do not mind traveling to someone with machines if not too far
Re: Brother embroidery machine repair person
Hi -
Give Wendy a shout @ Tri-State Technical Services....1-866-USE-TSTS
Ross got all of my BE 0901 purring like kittens in a few hours. He really knows his stuff and is as honest as the day is long. They are in Hanover MI so he probably covers Illinois
Good luck
Re: Brother embroidery machine repair person
You can also call Texas Tom 817-538-3023. He is exclusively a Brother Tech. He actually schedules regular visits as well.