Complex fill small Gaps

I've been having an issue with large complex fills, I find that sometimes the fill doesn't meet back up from where it left off, it just leaves the slightest gap that is very visible. I've tried different underlays, been trying to find if there is any overlap option but I don't see one. I am using Pulse Version 14. I will attach what I am talking about. This usually just happens with designs that are not standard shapes. Thank you! :)

its caused because it stitches one direction, does a run to the other end, then runs the remaining fill the from the other end, and that's where its meeting up. i don't know pulse, but wilcom has a setting where you can adjust the number of rows it will restitch to cover it. my old software didn't have that setting, so when that happened, i would actually lay a very small 3-4 lines of fill under the top fill to cover the area running in the same direction as the fill. make sense? i would imagine that pulse would have an option to cover over it tho like wilcom.

digitizing...since 1996.

Hmm, I'm still not finding anything, it might be labeled as something else. I would think the software would have it built in, Version 14 is not that old, there newest software is 15 I think.

Select the fill element - pull down the Arrow Down to get to your "Segment Settings" - under the "Quality "Control" tab - "Overlap Lines" - that should do it.

Justin Armenta
JA Digitizing Studios

Awesome, Thanks Jarmenta, That worked. I dont get how I never figured that out. I think I tried it before and viewed in the on the screen and didnt notice it doing anything, so this time a put a big overlap, and I can see it working now thats awesome... you would think since I have been doing digitizing for over 7 years I would know this, lol Thanks again

Well, crap, I ran into a bit of a snag, I tested that out by just created a shape and it worked fine, so then I opened up the file that Im having the issue with, and the OVERLAP box is greyed out and I can't select it now... Is it because its an older design? even though Im still able to edit it. It is still a .pxf file

Okay I got it, maybe because the complex fill was created on older software, but I just change it from a complex fill to something else, then switched it back to complex fill and it worked :P

Okay, the real problem was Density Profile, the traveling route was set to along the edge, if I put it along middle then I can select the overlap lines.