By naldopr on
Dec. 13, 2016
We have been looking at this 2 machine from tajima and barudan
4head Tajima Tmar type 2 and the new model coming from barudan BEKY 4 head. I have seen a 2013 barudan in person and was very impressed with stitch quality.
but I haven't seen tajima yet any new tajima Tmar t2 owners here that can share your experience so far? I know both are great machine but looking to see witch one will be the best for 3d puff
thank you
Re: Best for 3d puff
barudan is probably the best machine, but tajima is great too. the secret to great 3d puff is in the digitizing. it has to be digitized correctly for any machine to turn out great 3d puff.
digitizing...since 1996.
Re: Best for 3d puff
we are looking to get same quality puff as New era or pacific head wear
Re: Best for 3d puff
2005 and 2006. I spent quite a bit of time teaching myself how to digitize for it. Whenever I ran flats they were great. Throwing it on a radius curve, not so much. The foam and needle used are really key here. I have yet to find that elusive super hard foam that is used in the puff hats at the sporting goods store.
Re: Best for 3d puff
New Era Hats are all ran on Barudans!
Re: Best for 3d puff
My supplier is gunold so far their foam is the best I have use
Re: Best for 3d puff
You realize that those companies are embroidering the panels flat and then assembling them into a hat? With that being said I saw a new barudan at the ISS show running puff hats 2 color and 2 separate layers which looked fantastic. I run puff myself on my barudan machine mostly without problems. Every now and then it eats one.
Re: Best for 3d puff
thanks for replaying I know they do that but also not all of them custom orders for their dealers are embroidered normal. quality is amazing to.
what year barudan you own? I will be attending the ISS in cali
Re: Best for 3d puff
What about the new Tmar type 2 and the digital preset foot technology?