digitizing software purchase

Which embroidery digitizing software is recommended? I have researched Generations, Hatch, PE by Brother, and Embroidery Office 15. They are all in the same price range. What about Sierra?
Thanks for any advice.

Wilcom EmbroideryStudio e3 or e4 has multi-user network dongles but you have to buy like 8 users. So PRICEY.

Robert Young's picture


I think it depends on what you are doing, or HOW MUCH you are doing. I agree with FURA, if you are a commercial digitizer then Wilcom is probably the way to go.. BUT if you are a home embroiderer and just want something to fulfill your local clients' needs..then I would opt for the Brother software. If this IS the case the main concern would be how close is your support? Do not buy software in that case where there is no local support-training.

Modern Embroidery Designer