Bidding is open now!!
3 - 14 Color 16 station M&R Challenger III model 110 Presses (Large Format)
4 - 14 Color 16 Station M&R Challenger II Model 5070 Servo w/AC Presses
3 - 12 Color 14 Station M&R Gauntlet II Servo w/AC Head Presses
1 - 10 Color 12 Station M&R Gauntlet II Servo w/AC Head Press
100's of Pallets, Squeegees and Flood Bars for M&R, Anatol, Progressive etc
Over 30 M&R Quartz Flash Cures
Berudan 6 Head 15 Thread
Several 60" & 72" M&R Sprint 2000 Dryers (including 2 split belts)
M&R I-Image 3 Head DTS Unit
Over 1000 Stretched Unexposed 23" x 31" Static Aluminum Frames
2016 Brown Firefly Triple Belt Instant On DTG or Direct Print Dryer
Kaeser Screw Compressors and Dryers
Turret Lift Trucks "Crown" and "Raymond" (plus order pickers , pallet jacks etc)
4 Head "Vectra II" Water Jet (this is a very fast machine for cutting appliques)
This is the link to register and bid: