Difference in Sew Quality between machines?

Ok, so since we are finally ready to purchase our machine. I was wondering if there is any difference in sew out quality among the top machines.

So lets say you took the exact same digitized file to all the machines, would the finished sew out look the same on all of them.

Specifically we are comparing:
Melco Amaya XT
Happy Voyager
Happy 1501

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


United States
Robert Young's picture

"would the finished sewout look the same on all of them" NO is the simple answer.... think of them as cars.... yes , if in good working order they will all get you to your destination.... but some faster and some with less headache.... even two cars exactly the same but with different drivers (operators) would not respond the same.

Operator knowledge, Digitizing, type of fabric and pellon or solvy used, etc... even a difference in thread types will alter two side by side machines sewing.

Operator error will mess up a perfect machine faster than anything, That withstanding you should worry more about availability of technicians and parts... if your machine is going to be down a week at a time each time it needs something then that machine would be less desirable than one that you can get help and parts within a day or so, etc.

Modern Embroidery Designer

Ok so lets take as many variables out of the equation.

Same file to be sewn out, so digitizing quality will be the same.

Same level of user... someone that really knows there machine and how to get the best out of it.

Same service reliability...

So just compare the machines capability to perform the sew out.